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biotechnology: principals and processes

In Inglés

Creado por:
sakhi rathore

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restriction endonucleases are used as

molecular knives for cutting DNA at specific sites

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66 preguntas
Restriction endonucleases are used as
Molecular knives for cutting DNA at specific sites
The first step in the southern blot technique
Digestion of DNA by restriction enzymes
After 4 PCR cycles how many DNA molecules are formed from one DNA template molecules
From a single DNA template molecules, it is possible to generate 2^n DNA molecules after n no. of cycles in polymerase chain reaction
Why are plasmids used as vectors for inserting foreign DNA into a cell?
Because they can carry a foreign DNA fragment when inserted into it .
The correct order of the process in PCR is
Denaturation, annealing and extenstion
What are palindromic base sequence
Palindromic sequences in DNA molecule are group of bases that forms the same sequence when read in both forward and backward direction
In recombinant DNA technology, recombinants DNA are usualy transferred to E.coli, yeat beacuse of their rapid multiplication
This technology is employed for combining DNA from two different organisms to produce recombinant DNA
Restriction enzymes cut the strand of DNA to produce sticky ends.(named so because they form h bond with theiir complemetary counter parts)
The stickness of the ends facilitates the action of the enzyme DNA ligase, not DNA polymerase.
Some features of plasmids
Independent replication, circular structure, transferable
Stirred tank bioreactors hav been designed for
Availability of oxygen throughout the process
The plasmids present in bacterial cells are
Circular double helical DNA molecules
Biolistics(gene gun) is suitable for
Constructing recombinant DNA by joining with vectors
Which of the following method can be used for making the bacterial cell competent
Treating with specific conc. of divalent cation (Ca2+) heat shock
PCR is use to
Amplify a small amount of DNA
Stirred-tank bioreactors have been designed for
Availability of oxygen throughout the process