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level questions: Level 1

§401議題は私に何ら関係がなかったので、私はその会議に出なくてもよかった。As the topic had nothing to do with me, I didn't need to attend the meeting.
議題は私に何ら関係がなかった。私はその会議に出なくてもよかったのに。時間の無駄であった。The topic had nothing to do with me. I needn't have attended the meeting. It was a waste of time.
前田先生の講演会を逃すつもりはなかった。新たに始める事業に役立つ情報を仕入れるつもりだったのだが、車が事故を起こし出席できなかった。I wouldn't have missed the lecture meeting given by Dr. Maeda and I would have gotten some useful information to run my newly established business, but the car accident prevented me from attending it.
一体どうやって受講料を払ったのだい。 -それについて心配する必要はありませんでした。運良く奨学金をもらいましたので。How in the world did you pay your tuition fees? -I didn't need to worry about that as I was lucky enough to get a scholarship.
彼女は上司にあんな口答えをすべきではない。あんな馬鹿な失敗をして、彼女が悪いのだ。彼女の失敗のせいで我社のとても大切な顧客を失ったのだから。She shouldn't have given her boss such back talk, as she herself is to blame for such a silly mistake, which caused us to lose one of our most important clients.
僕に黙っているなんて水臭いぞ。名古屋に来ることがあれば、そう言ってくれれば、うちに泊まってもらえると君に伝えておいたね。ホテルで高い部屋を取ることはなかったんだよ。It was unfriendly of you to keep it a secret from me. I've told you that if you have a chance to visit Nagoya, I want you to tell me so that you can stay at my house. You needn't have booked an expensive room at the hotel.
§403札幌にいるとき、よく彼の家に遊びに行ったものだ。When I was in Sapporo, I would often go to see him.
札幌にいるとき、毎週日曜日に彼の家に遊びに行ったものだ。When I was in Sapporo, I used to go to see him every Sunday.
§404私は元通訳でした。I used to be an interpreter.
かつてそこに大きな木があった。There used to be a big tree there.
私は遅くまで起きていることに慣れている。I'm used to staying up late at night.⇒⇒ I'm accustomed to staying up late at night.
§405彼はとても寛大なのでそんな事は言わないでしょう。As he is very generous, he wouldn't say such a thing.
彼は時間どおりに来ますよ。He would come on time.
彼はカンニングなんてしなかったですよ。He wouldn't have cheated on the exam.
§406以前の私が恥ずかしい。I'm ashamed of what I used to be.
彼は小さなアパートに住んでいたが、一生懸命に働きこの大きな家を買った。He used to live in a small apartment, but he was hard-working enough to buy this big house.
確かに彼は有能で非常に社のためになっているのだが、上司との仲が悪いので、昇進や昇給はないでしょう。Indeed he is capable and gives a lot of advantages to our company but his boss wouldn't give him a promotion and a raise, as they aren't on good terms.
かつて英語は読み書きのために教えられたが、今日は、話す、聞く、も重要と考えられている。English used to be taught for reading and writing. Nowadays, speaking and hearing are also considered (to be) important.
これらの写真を見ればいつも祖父を思い出す。祖父はよく私を連れ出し、駄菓子屋で菓子を買ってくれた。その駄菓子屋も今はもう無い。どれも皆、遠い子供の頃の思い出だ。These pictures always remind me of my grandfather, who would often take me out and buy me some snacks at the confectionery shop, which is no longer there. All of them bring back my distant childhood memories.
§494幸せに生きるlive a happy life
深く息をするbreathe a deep breath
悲惨な死を遂げるdie a miserable death
変な夢を見るdream a strange dream
激しく戦うfight a violent fight
嬉しそうに笑うlaugh a merry laugh
苦い教訓を得るlearn a bitter lesson
言い分を言うsay one's say
甘い歌を歌うsing a sweet song
睡眠中に夢を見ないsleep a dreamless sleep
良い考えが浮かぶthink good thoughts
明るく微笑むsmile a bright smile
タフな競争をするrun a tough race
§495彼は頑固だが、我々に借金があるので一肌脱がずにはいられないだろう。だから彼にやってもらえばいいのだ。He is stubborn, to be sure, but he is indebted to us so much that he would have no choice but to do us the favor. So, let it be done by him.
私がこの国で出会ったなかで、うちの家主さんほど親切にしてくれた人はいなかった。彼女を見て母を思い出した。母は今の彼女と同じくらいの年で亡くなった。No one I've ever met in this country was as kind to me as my landlady. She reminded me of my mother, who passed away at almost the same age as she is now.
§496彼らはその汚職事件に関わっている。They are concerned with the corruption scandal (by themselves).  They concern themselves with the corruption scandal.
首相は国の将来を案じている。The Prime Minister is concerned about the future of the country (by himself).   The Prime Minister concerns himself about the future of the country.
彼は無理に笑顔をつくろった。He was forced to smile (by himself). He forced himself to smile.
私はチームを強くすることに専念した。I was devoted to making the team strong (by myself). I devoted myself to making the team strong.
§497息子を叱らない日は一日もない。どうやっていたずらを止めさせればいいのかしら。今になって両親が私を育てた苦労が分かったわ。Not a day passes but I scold my boy. I wonder how I should make him stop doing mischief and only now did I realize what my parents went through to bring me up.
面と向かって良く言っていても、彼らが君のことを陰で何と言っているのか興味があるんじゃないんですか。You're curious about what they say about you behind your back, though they speak well of you in your presence. Is it right?
§498私は5年ぶりに彼に会った。I met him after 5 years' absence. ⇒⇒ I met him for the first time in 5 years.
私は3ヵ月ぶりにゴルフをした。I played golf for the first time in 3 months.
§499与党の議員は野党に対する質疑応答のなかで、高齢者の人口は急激に増加しており、高齢者の生活援助がいつでもできるよう消費税の値上げが必要だ、と主張した。According to what the member of the ruling party insisted in his answer to the opposition parties, it is of necessity to raise the consumption tax so that they can get ready to support the elderly, whose population is dramatically becoming bigger.
§500やさしい英語で書かれているので、この本は初心者でも読むことができる。Written in simple English, this book can be read by basic students.
変な男だったので、彼には友達がほとんどいなかった。A strange man, he had few friends.
若くて有能なので、彼は社長から大いに期待されている。Young and capable, he is very much counted on by the president.
わずか5歳にして、彼はその曲を弾くことができた。Only 5 years old, he could play the music.
§501非常に失望したことに、正直であることを除けば、彼は履歴書や面接の印象に基づく私の期待にかなわない。I'm very disappointed that he does not come up to my expectations based on his resume and the impression I got at the interview except that he is honest.
彼を嫉んで、社長のコネだなんて噂を広める前に、なぜ彼がそんなに若くして所長になったのか、本当の理由を知りなさい。実際、彼は自分ではあまり才能がないと思っていたので、人の倍、働きまた勉強したのだ。You must know the real reason why he became the manager so young before you envy him and spread rumors, saying that he has a kind of connection with the president. In fact, he worked and studied twice as much as the others as he thought he was not so talented.
§502彼は病気を煩っている。He is suffering from the disease.
私はその試験に苦しんだ。I suffered from the exam.
我々は不景気に悩まされている。We are suffering from the economic slowdown.
その都市は地震の被害にあった。The city suffered from the earthquake.
彼の病気は治った。He got over the disease.
私はその試験に合格した。I got over the exam.
我々は不景気を乗り越えなければならない。We have to get over the economic slowdown.
その都市は震災から復興しつつある。The city is getting over the earthquake.
§503どれだけ頼まれても、今のところはそれだけしか言えません。さらに情報が入ったらすぐにお伝えします。For all your request, that is all I can tell you for the time being. To get some more information, I'll give it to you as soon as possible.
その応募者は、まるで提示した給料にのみ興味を持っているのであって、彼がすることになるであろう仕事には興味がないかのように人事部長は思った。The personnel manager thought as if the applicant were interested in only the salary the manager had offered him, not the job he would be supposed to do.
§504この会社では、君が生活で遣うお金に対して[君が前の会社で貰っていたお金に対して]、2倍同じくらい多くのお金をもらうことができる。You can get twice as much money from this company as you spend on living [as you did from the former company].
この会社では、君が生活で遣うお金よりも[君が前の会社で貰っていたお金よりも]、2倍多くのお金をもらうことができる。You can get twice more money from this company than you spend on living [than you did from the former company].
§505今日、環境問題がよく取りざたされています。水銀電池の製造を止めることは、環境だけではなく御社にとっても良いことです。もし止めなければ悪評が立ちますよ。Nowadays, environmental problems are much talked about. It is good not only for the environment but also for your company to stop producing mercurial batteries. If not, you'll get a bad name.
その古いアパートを取り壊し、新しいのを建てるため、家主は住人が半年以内に立ち退くよう要求した。The landlord demanded that the residents of the old apartment should move from there within half a year so that he can tear it down and build a new one.
§506この本は読む価値がある。This book is worth reading.≒ It is worthwhile to read this book.
京都は訪れる価値がある。Kyoto is worth visiting.≒ It is worthwhile to visit Kyoto.
そのレストランで食事をする価値がある。It is worthwhile to eat at the restaurant.
そこに一人で行く価値がある。It is worthwhile to go there alone.
その契約は1000万円の[たいした, 私にとっては大きな]価値がある。The contract is worth ten million yen [much, a lot, a lot to me, little].
その契約はほとんど[一文の]価値が[も]ない。The contract is not worth a penny.
§507どれだけ大変でも英語を上達させることを諦めません。勤勉さと根気があれば英語の達人になれるという先生の言葉を信じ、英語が得意になるために必要なことは何でもする覚悟です。No matter how hard it may be, I won't give up improving my English. I've made up my mind to do whatever is needed to be good at English, believing my teacher's word that diligence and patience will make me a master of English.
§508即答an immediate answer
直接の原因an immediate cause
じか渡し/即時払いimmediate payment
すぐ隣の人an immediate neighbor
当面の計画immediate plans
ごく近い親戚one's immediate relatives
§509合意に達するのは難しく無かろうという情報とは異なり、我々は大変苦労したのだ。このことで我々は、交渉は思っているほど簡単には成功しないということを学んだのだ。Unlike the information that we would have no difficulty in reaching the agreement, we had a lot of difficulties, which made us learn that negotiating is not as easy to be successful in as we thought.
心理療法が本当に効くのかどうか知らないが、一つ言えることは、心理療法を試す前よりも彼は明るくなったということだ。Though I don't know whether psychotherapy really works or not, one thing I can say is that he is more cheerful than before he tried it.
§510この家は小さすぎて住めない。This house is too small to live in.
彼の支援者は大変裕福なので、彼がその事業で失敗する筈がない。His supporter is too rich for him to fail in the business.≒ His supporter is so rich that he cannot fail in the business.≒ His supporter is such a rich man that he cannot fail in the business.≒ His supporter is rich enough for him not to fail in the business.≒ His supporter is so rich for him as not to fail in the business.⇒⇒ As his supporter is so rich
その子は大変力が強いので父親の手伝いをすることができる。The boy is too strong not to help his father. ≒ The boy is so strong that he can help his father. ≒ He is such a strong boy that he can help his father. ≒ The boy is strong enough to help his father. ≒ The boy is so strong as to help his father. ⇒⇒ As the boy is so strong, he can help his father.
彼はとても英語がうまいので一人で外国に住むことができる。His English is too good for him not to live abroad alone. ≒ His English is so good that he can live abroad alone. ≒ He is such a good English speaker that he can live abroad alone. ≒ His English is good enough for him to live abroad alone. ≒ His English is so good for him as to live abroad alone. ⇒⇒ As his English is so good, he can live abroad alone.
§511どんなアリバイをでっち上げても、証拠を見ればおまえが犯人だと分かるのだ。事件のことを洗いざらい正直に話したほうが身のためだぞ。さもなければ、陪審員の心証を悪くして立場が不利になるぞ。No matter what alibi you may fake, the evidence shows that you are the criminal. It's good for you to confess everything about the incident with honesty; otherwise you'll make your standing worse, giving a bad impression to the jury.
§512彼はクラスの最優等生で、その試験に合格した。He is the best student in his class, and one who passed the exam.
これは世界一速い車でFerrari製です。This is the fastest car in the world, and one which was made by Ferrari.
§513尻をたたかれなくても部下が十分にやる気を出して働いていることに、そして今年の売上げが去年より良いことに、私は満足している。I'm satisfied that my subordinates are motivated enough to work without being urged by me and that the sales of this year are better than those of last year.
娘をどの英会話学校で勉強させればいいのだろうか。誠意のない運営に起因する数々のトラブルを考えれば考えるほど、悲観的になる。I wonder which English conversation school my daughter should study at. The more I think about a number of troubles caused by their dishonest operations, the more pessimistic I become.
§514私は部屋を出た。I got out of the room.
我々は困難を抜け出した。We got out of the difficulty.
彼は濡れた衣服を脱いだ。He got out of the wet clothes.
次の駅で電車を降りましょう。Let's get out of the train at the next station.
その空飛ぶ物体は突然見えなくなった。The flying object suddenly got out of sight.
その無用なビジネスから手を引きたい。I want to get out of the useless business.
その悪い癖を直すべきだ。You should get out of the bad habit.
その子は宿題をせずに済ませようとした。The boy tried to get out of doing his homework.
私をこの部屋から出してくれ。Get me out of this room.
その本は図書館から持ち出すことができません。You cannot get the book out of the library.
そのことが忘れられない。I cannot get it out of my mind.
彼の講義から多くのことを学んだ。I got a lot out of his lecture.
§515Guam旅行から満足げに帰ってきたが、思い出になる写真がなく、カメラを持って行くべきだったのにと言って、彼は非常に後悔した。Though he came back from the trip to Guam satisfied, without having any pictures to remember it by, he regretted it a lot, saying that he should have taken a camera with him.
私は以前、通訳でした。通訳は会話を全く有るがままに訳し、自らの考えを持たない機械のように振る舞わなければなりません。これが退屈で私はこの仕事を辞めたのです。I used to be an interpreter. Being an interpreter requires to act like a machine, which doesn't have its own idea, interpreting their conversation exactly as it is. This boredom made me quit the job.
§516その戦争で死んだ人々those killed in the war ≒ those who were killed in the war
英語を勉強している人々those studying English ≒ those who are studying English
戦前に建てられたものthose built before World WarⅡ
その国にあるものthose in the country
§517君は確かにうまく行っているが、いつもそんな大儲けができる訳ではないから、それだけに頼るのは良くない。手遅れになる前に貯金をして、次の計画を立てておくのが望ましい。You're doing well, to be sure, but it's not a good idea to rely completely on it, as it isn't always the case that you can make such a big profit. It's advisable that you should save and make your next plan before it is too late.
§518十分にお金を持っていればそのお土産を買うことが出来るのだが。そうではないので、何も買えない。If I had enough money, I could buy that souvenir. As it is, I can buy nothing.
十分にお金を持っていたならばそのお土産を買うことが出来たのだが。そうではなかったので、何も買えなかった。If I had had enough money, I could have bought that souvenir. As it was, I could buy nothing.
§519君の家に泊まってもいいという親切な誘いを、なぜその孤児が受け入れないのか理由を考えてみれば、誘いをかける前にその子が心を開き、安心するよう、君が努力しなかったことが分かるでしょう。Considering what is preventing the orphan boy from accepting your kind offer that he may stay with you, you'll come to know that you hadn't done a lot in opening his mind and freeing him from anxiety before you gave him the offer.
その人は稼ぎの殆どを匿名で社会的弱者に寄付していたようだ。The man seems to have been donating most of what he earned anonymously to socially handicapped people.
§520太陽には8つの惑星があり、その中で最も大きくて重いのは木星である。⇔ 太陽には8つの惑星がある。その8つの惑星の中で最も大きくて重いのは木星である。The sun has eight planets, the biggest and the heaviest of which is Jupiter. ⇔ The sun has eight planets. The biggest and the heaviest of the eight planets is Jupiter.
§521私が乗ることになっていた列車が出ていくのを見て、月曜日から変更になった時刻表のことを覚えておくべきであったと思った。Seeing the train I was supposed to take leaving, I thought I should have remembered the time table changed on Monday.
時は真夏、ずっと前なら、どこの川でも子供達が遊んでいたのだが、今ではそれも水質汚濁のせいで稀なこととなった。It is the middle of summer, when, many years ago, children could be seen playing in every river, which is now quite rare, however, owing to water contamination.
§522そのパーティーは無茶苦茶でした。The party was a disaster.
私は何が何だか分からなくなった。I was in a disaster.
彼のせいで私は何が何だか分からなくなった。He gave me a disaster.
上司が怒ってそれはもう大変でした。My boss got mad, which was a disaster.
§523恐竜は昔々ほんとうに存在した巨大な生きものです。恐竜が絶滅した理由についてはいろいろ言われていますが、どれも科学的には証明されていません。Dinosaurs were huge creatures which truly existed a long, long time ago. Though the reasons why they became extinct are much talked about, none of them has scientifically proved to be correct.
彼女が実は辞めたくなかった仕事を辞めざるを得なかったある理由とは何か。She had no choice but to quit her job, which actually she didn't want to, because of a certain reason. What is it?
§524私たちは同じ年だ。We are of the same age.
それは大切ではない。It is of no importance.
(彼のような)能力のある人a man of (his) ability
(彼女のような)美しい女性a lady of (her) beauty
(彼のような)親切な少年a boy of (his) kindness
§525彼女は意図的にTomを傷つけるつもりはなかった。彼に良きアドバイスをし、彼の行いを正そうとしたのだ。しかし、このような場合によくあることだが、彼女が良かれと思ってしたことは予期せぬ結果を招いた。She was not supposed to hurt Tom's feeling purposely. What she was trying to do was to right his wrongdoings, giving him useful advice; but, as it often happens in such a case, her good intentions brought about an unexpected result.
被害者の胃の中に残っていたものから判断して、彼女は飢えをしのぐために、野草か何かを食べていたに違いない。Judging from what remained in her stomach, the victim must have been eating wild grass or something like that to stave off her hunger.