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Urinary Disorders

In Inglés
Urinary Disorders


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What are the acceptable serum creatinine range for men and women?

Men: 0.7-1.3 Women: 0.6 -1

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Urinary Disorders - Detalles



177 preguntas
What is the primary regulator of aldosterone?
The level of potassium in the plasma
What may be administered before an intravenous pyelography if the patient is allergic to iodine?
Corticosteroid or antihistamine; or alternatively ultrasonography
What is anuria?
Urine output of less than 100 mL/day
List the side effects associated with rapid fluid loss:
Vertigo Hypotension Circulatory collapse
Where do thiazide diuretics act?
Distal convoluted tube
Where do loop diuretics act?
Ascending loop of Henle
What are the two types of potassium-sparing diuretics?
1. Aldosterone antagonists 2. Nonaldosterone antagonists
List acid-ash foods:
Meat Whole grains Eggs Cheese Cranberries Prunes Plums
List alkaline-ash foods:
Milk Vegetables Fruits
What is a Malecot, de Pezzer, or mushroom catheters used for?
To drain urine from the renal pelvis of the kidney
When can a suprapubic catheter be removed?
When the residual urine is consistently less than 50mL
What is mixed incontinence?
A mixture of stress and urge incontinence
What is a pessary?
A device inserted into the vagina to support the bladder and reduce pressure from the uterus
What causes spastic bladder?
An upper motor neuron lesion
What causes flaccid bladder?
A lower motor neuron lesion
What is cystitis?
Inflammation of the wall of the urinary bladder
Which foods and beverages are known to cause bladder irritation?
Aged cheese Alcohol Artificial sweeteners Chocolate Citrus juice Onions Soy Caffeine Tomatoes
How is a diagnosis of prostatitis confirmed?
Patient history and culture of prostatic fluid or tissue
What does the urinary system consist of?
Two kidneys Two ureters Bladder Urethra
What do calyces do?
Guide urine into the main part of the renal pelvis
What does a nephron resemble?
A microscopic funnel with a long stem and two convoluted sections
What is the process by which a nephron filters the blood?
1. Controls body fluid levels 2. Regulates pH of blood 3. Removes toxic waste from blood
List the three phases of urine formation:
1. Filtration- of water and blood products 2. Reabsorption- of water, glucose, ions 3. Secretion- of ions, nitrogenous waste products, and drugs
Where does filtration occur?
In the glomerulus of Bowman's capsule
Where does reabsorption occur?
Proximal convoluted tubes Henle's loop Distal convoluted tubes
ADH causes the cells of the distal convoluted cells to _____________.
Increase rate of water absorption; raises blood pressure to more normal level, causes urine to become concentrated
Why is the urine yellow?
Because of urochrome; result of the destruction of hemoglobin
What can albumin in the urine indicate?
Renal disease Increased blood pressure Toxicity from heavy metals
What can erythrocytes in the urine indicate?
Infection Tumors Renal disease Kidney stone
When does ketoaciduria occur?
When too many fatty acids are oxidized