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Psychology of relationships ch.1-4

In Inglés


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why is it important to have social interactions

need to belong

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Psychology of relationships ch.1-4 - Detalles



71 preguntas
What is a relationship
Social connection
Influence on how we relate
Who we are(personality)
4 selves
Open self(known by everyone)
Open self
Hidden self
Political views
Blind self
Unknown self
Time of death
Affects how we think,feel and behave in our relationships
Big 5 personality model
Neuroticism *tendency to easily and strongly experience negative emotions(anxious,nervous,sad,tense)
Research on personality and relationships
High neuroticism=lower relationship satisfaction
Subjective,filtered through own perceptions
How valuable you think you are
Increasing self esteem
Beware the imposter phenomenon *feeling like you don't belong
Interpersonal communication apprehension
Feeling of fear or anxiety about a situation in which a person must communicate
Managing apprehension
Acquire communication skills and experience
Processes of becoming aware
Intrapersonal management
Being other-oriented
Impression management
Process you go through to create the impression you want others to have of you
Commonplace in our society
Lifestyle of a group of ppl passed through socialization,not genes
Process of culture transmission from one generation to another
Process by which a culture is modified through exposure to another culture
Individual culture
Individual goals most important
Collective culture
Group goals most important
High-context culture
Communication is in the context of the person and their environnment
Low-context culture
Information is explicitly stated
Politeness strategies
Appear likeable
Self-monitoring strategies
Presenting a positive image
Influencing strategies
Information is power
How to be liked wikihow
Listen to others attentively and actively
Masculine culture
More traditional gender
Feminine culture
Both men and women
Low ambiguity tolerant
Avoid uncertainty
Accept uncertainty
Long-term orientation
Importance of future
Short-term orientation
Focus on past and present
Emphasize gratification of desires
Limit gratification
Some emphasize politeness and positive public image rather than literal truth
Emotional expression
Emotions not always expressed in order to keep harmony,may cause resentment
Violations of collective norms vs individual norms
Tendency to see others and their behaviours through our own cultural filters
Improving intercultural communication
Recognize and reduce your ethnocentrism
Psychological orientation
How women communicate
Communicate to build relationships,build rapport
How men communicate
Communicate to report
Emotions men and women
Experience emotions similarly
Women emotions
Talk about feelings more
Conflict in gender
Can rise from gender differences
Women in friendships
Self-disclose more detail
Men in friendships
Don't view intimacy as quality of friendships
Forms of communication
Synchronus(face to face)
5 elements of communication
Source and receiver
Source and receiver
Verbal and non-verbal
Medium through message is passed *auditory,vocal,visual,tactile,chemical
Anything that interferes with receiving a msg
Physical(tangible,concrete environment)
Competent communicator
Thinks critically and is mindful
Why we should listen
Helps us connect with others
How genuine listening is different from regular listening
We put ourselves in their shoes,listen for emotions/feelings,what they want or need(genuine)
Why is it hard to listen
So much noise going on in our minds,have to listen to ourselves first before listening to others
Benefits of listening
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