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level: Lecture 11: Joint Pathology Part 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Lecture 11: Joint Pathology Part 4

True or false: Infectious Arthritis is incurable and a lifelong condition.False. This artheritis is also called "reactive artheritis," as it is joint pain and swelling in response to an infection (viral, bacterial, fungal, bacterial). While there is temporary cartillage damage, it can heal
A patient has infectious artheritis. What might have been some other conditions in the practitioner's differential diagnosis possibilities? Name at least 2.Hemarthrosis, Foreign body, Osteoarthritis, Ischemic necrosis, Monoarticular RA, Gout, Aspergillus species, Cryptococcus neoformans, Nocardia species, Brucella species, Legg – Calve – Perthes disease, Osteoarthritis.
What are some possible pathogeneses for infectious artheritis?Bacteria enter the joint from:  1) The bloodstream (Hematogenous).  2) A contiguous site of infection in bone or soft tissue.  3) Direct inoculation during surgery, injection, animal or human bite, or trauma.
True or False: Scratches and bites from animals (particularly cats) cannot cause infectious artheritis unless the animal damages the joint capsule.False. The bacteria can still find a way to attack the cartilage, although Pasteurella multocida, the bacteria from the bite, rarely causes reactive artheritis.
Infectious artheritis is TYPICALLY: a)monoarticular, b) biarticular, c) polyarticulara) monoarticular
When someone has infectious artheritis, what is usually the first line of treatment (not specifically osteopathic)?Antibiotics
Describe Neuropathic Arthropathy (Charcot Joint)?It is characterized by a progressive destructive arthritis associated with loss of pain sensation, proprioception or both, as well as decreased musscular reflexes.
What are a possible cause for neuropathic arthropathy/charcot joint. Diabetes mellitus (the most common cause). Tabes dorsalis. Meningomyelocele.  Syringomyelia. Amyloidosis.  Leprosy. Peroneal muscular atrophy
True or false: swelling is visible to the naked eye in many cases of caracot joint.True. The affected joint progressively becomes enlarged due to bony outgrowth and synovial effusion.
True or false: caracot joint appears more painful than it usually is.True.
What is the primary focus in treating caracot joint, after antibiotics?The primary focus of treatment is to stabilize the joint via splints/braces.