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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

This type of muscle blends into tendinous insertions that attach to bones, pulling them, which produces the desired movementSkeletal muscle
What type of muscle fibers is referred to as couch potato fibers?2b
Bodybuilders practice "muscle confusion" because?Not all motor units are activated in a movement
What muscle fibers are recruited first in any given movement?Slow twitch
What type of muscle fibers is highly resistant to fatigue?Slow twitch
When a prime mover muscle contracts, the opposing muscle relaxes. This is known as?Reciprocal innervation
_____________ is a decrease in the angle between two body segmentsFlexion
Which plane divides the body into right and left portions?Sagittal plane
Which plane of motion does hip abduction occur in?Frontal plane
During a biceps curl, the triceps acts as a(n) ___________Antagonist
The mechanical advantage of a muscle is greatest when the angle of pull is?90 degrees
The biceps curl is an example of which type of lever?Third-class lever
When muscle fibers are damaged from training stress, which catabolic hormone is released to facilitate the cleanup operation?Cortisol
If cortisol is blocked, the Type 2b fibers will fuse with surrounding satellite cells resulting in type 2c Fibre. What stimulates this process?Insulin-like growth-factor-1
Training with high-speed contractions and with bands and chains can train you to somewhat inhibit the response of the Golgi tendon organ.True
How can body builders get a dense lookLift heavy
Myofibrillar hypertrophy results from lifting maximal weights for lower reps the way that powerlifters trainTrue
Muscle fibers divided and then multiplied, thus the potential implications to the bodybuilder are enormousHyperplasia
Hyperplasia: The enlargement of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the reproduction rate of its cells.True
For hyperplasia to take place, perform movements with an extreme stretch. Example exercise?SLDL
Satellite cells serve to repair damaged muscle tissue, inducing muscle growth after overload from weight trainingTrue
The satellite cells have only one nucleus and can replicate by?Dividing
During satellite cell multiplication most will repair damaged muscle fibers or fuse to muscle fibers, forming new Myofilbrils?True
Intense eccentric movements will need to be a part of your regimen for?Maximum muscle mass
Eccentric induces DOMS so they should never be included in a de-load?True
After satellite cells are damaged via resistance training, damaged muscle fibers are repaired by satellite cells’ fusing together and to the muscle fibers, which leads to muscle growthTrue
What is largely responsible for satellite cell proliferation, and that would explain why some bodybuilders are willing to illegally supplement with itIGF-1
What is largely responsible for satellite cell proliferation, and that would explain why some bodybuilders are willing to illegally supplement with itIGF-1
What also encourages satellite cell proliferation?Creatine
The highest motor unit stimulation stems from using heavy weights, so you are going to need to train heavy.True
At 90 degrees or more, all the pull is…Rotary
When the angle decreases from 90 degrees the pull is…Non-rotary
At 45 degrees, the force is equal the rotary and non-rotary components.True