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level: PQ'S

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PQ'S

[PALP] palpable, palpate, palpitate, palpitationTO FEEL
[PAN/PANT] panacea, pandemic, panegyric, panoply, panorama, pantheonALL, EVERYONE
[PAS/PAT/PATH] compassion, dispassionate, empathy, impassive, pathogenic, sociopath, sympathyFEELING, SUFFERING, DISEASE
[PEC] impecunious, peculation, pecuniaryMONEY
[PED] encyclopedia, pedagogue, pedant, pediatricianCHILD, EDUCATION
[PED/POD] antipodes, arthropod, expedite, impede, pedal, pedestal, pedestrian, pedigree, pediment, podium, tripodFOOT
[PEL] compel, dispel, expel, impel, propelTO DRIVE, TO PUSH
[PEN/PENE] antepenult, peninsula, penult, penultimate, penubraALMOST
[PERI] perihelion, perimeter, perineum, peripatetic, periphery, periscopeAROUND
[PHIL] bibliophile, necrophilia, philanthropy, philatelist, philharmonic, philogyny, philology, philosopherLOVE
[PHOB] claustrophobia, hydrophobia, phobia, phobic, xenophobiaFEAR
[PHON] antiphony, euphony, megaphone, phonetics, phonograph, polyphony, saxophone, symphony, telephoneSOUND
[PLAC] complacent, complaisant, implacable, placate, placebo, placidTO PLEASE
[PLE/PLEN] accomplishment, complement, complete, deplete, implement, plenipotentiary, plentitude, plenty, plethora, replenish, replete, supplementTO FILL, FULL
[POLY] polyandry, polygamy, polyglot, polygon, polyhedron, polynomial, polysyllable, polytechnic, polytheismMANY
[PORT] comport, deportment, disport, export, import, important, importune, portable, portage, porter, portfolio, portly, purport, rapport, reporter, supportive, transportTO CARRY
[POST] post facto, posterior, posterity, postern, posthumous, postmeridian, postmortem, postscript, preosterousBEHIND, AFTER
[POT] potable, potation, potionTO DRINK
[PRE] preamble, precarious, precedent, precept, precocious, precursor, predict, preface, premonition, prescribe, presentiment, presidentBEFORE, IN FRONT
[PRI/PRIM] primary, primal, prime, primeval, primordial, pristineFIRST
[PRO] problem, proceed, proclaim, procure, profuse, prolific, propound, prostate, proselytize, protest, providentIN FRONT, BEFORE, MUCH, FOR
[PROP/PROX] approximate, propinquity, proximate, proximityNEAR
[PROT/PROTO] protagonist, protocol, prototype, protozoanFIRST
[PSEUD/PSEUDO] pseudepigrapha, pseudoclassic, pseudomorph, pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscienceFALSE
[PUG] impugn, pugilist, pugnacious, repugnantTO FIGHT
[PUNC/PUNG/POIGN] compunction, expunge, poignant, point, punch, punctilious, punctual, punctuate, puncture, pungentTO POINT, TO PRICK, TO PIERCE
[PYR] pyre, pyromania, pyrometer, pyrosis, pyrotechnicsFIRE