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level: Level 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 4

charming, fascinating
man-made garden
harmony, smoothness円滑
porch, balcony, open corridor縁側
coast, shore沿岸
circumlocution, roundabout, indirect婉曲
practice, exercises, maneuver演習
play production, direction演出
to perform, to play, to act演じる
to perform, to play演ずる
along railway line沿線
marriage proposal, engagement縁談
long way, distant place遠方
perfection, harmony, peace円満
tail, ridge
at, in, on
to herd, to corner, to drive追い込む
delicious, tasty美味しい
to expel, to drive out追い出す
at, in, on於いて
to beお出でになる
to age, to grow old老いる
to bear, to owe負う
subscription, application応募
perhaps, almost all, majority大方
large build, large pattern大柄
grandiose, exaggerated大げさ
important, valuable, serious matter大事
rough, broad, sketchy大ざっぱ
outline, summary大筋
heaven, firmament, the sky大空
full width, large scale, drastic大幅
official, public, formal
backing, assistanceお蔭
Thanks to god, thanks to youお蔭様で
strange, amusing, ridiculous可笑しい
to commit, to perpetrate, to violate, to rape犯す
to invade, to trespass, to violate侵す
side dish, accompaniment for rice dishesお菜
cowardice, timidity臆病
to retard, to delay遅らす
delay, lag遅れ
to raise, to cause, to wake someone起こす
conduct, behavior, action行い
austere, majestic, dignified厳か
to be proud傲る
chief, head
to stop, to restrain, to seize押さえる
before, ahead, previouslyお先に
to be obtained, to end, to settle into収まる
to be obtained, to end, to settle into納まる
to be at peace, to clamp down治まる
giving birthお産
teachings, precept, lesson教え
to push into, to crowd into押し込む
to be frugal, to value, to regret惜しむ
chattering, talk, idle talk, chatお喋り
smartly dressed, someone smartly dressedお洒落
to push aside, to advance on押し寄せる
grandfather, male senior-citizenお祖父さん
Excuse me for disturbing youお邪魔します
male animal
flattery, complimentお世辞
to attack襲う
at the latest遅くとも
fear, horror恐れ
to be filled with awe, to feel small, to be amazed恐れ入る
Take care of yourselfお大事に
to stir up, to instigate, to flatter煽てる
to fall into, to feel down (sad)落ち込む
calm, composure落ち着き
fallen leaves, leaf litter, shedding leaves落ち葉
to fail, to fall down, to drop落ちる
to say, to speak, to tell, to talk仰っしゃる
strange, stylish, 2nd in rank
all over, given in, given up hopeお手上げ
toilet, restroom, lavatory御手洗い
younger brother
to drop, to lose, to let fall落とす
to visit訪れる
obedient, docile, quiet大人しい
daughter, young lady少女
attendant, companionお供
to become weak, to decline, to wear衰える
to threaten, to coerce脅かす
to threaten, to menace脅す
surprise, astonishment, wonder驚き
of the same age同い年
woman, girl女子
each, every, either
naturally, as a matter of course自ずから