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Questions and Answers List

level questions: MIDTERMS QUESTIONS

Which of the following amino acid is used for the age estimation due to its presence in the dentin? a. Arginine b. Lysine c. Asparatic acid d. Methioninec. Asparatic acid
Which of the following tooth is best to use for histological ageing technique for age assessment? a. Central incisor b. Canine c, Premolar d. Second permanent molard. Second permanent molar
Which of the following tooth parameter can be utilized for age estimation: a. Tooth mineralization, crown completion, eruption of the crown, and complementary roots b. Tooth wear, toothcolor, and periodontal attachments c. Degree of secondary dentin deposition, cementum apposition, root resorption, and root transparency d. All of the aboved. All of the above
Which of the following feature of dentition are listed to be racial determinants? a. Tooth shape and size b. Cusp of carabelli, enamel tubercle c. Dental pulp shape (taurodontism vs cynodontism) d. All of the aboved. All of the above
Salivary presence in the bite mark is identified by detecting the presence of: a. Thiocynates or nitrite b. Detection of blood group c. Detection of serum polymorphic enzymes d. All of the aboved. All of the above
Which of the following material is best for recording the impression of the bite marks? a. Compound b. Alginate c. Polysulfide impression material d. Vinyl polysiloxaned. Vinyl polysiloxane
Which of the following method of forensic identification is most superior? a. Fingerprint identification b. Dentition identification c. Serological marker identification d . DNA identification testingd . DNA identification testing
Which of the following method of DNA identification should be used if DNA is degraded? a. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP TEST) analysis b. PCR method(polymerase chain reaction) c. Dot/ blot test d. Both PCR and Dot /Blot testd. Both PCR and Dot /Blot test
In forensic identification, which portion of the tooth serve as a source of DNA for DNA testing: a. Vascular pulp of the tooth b. Odontoblastic process and cellular cementum c. Accessary canal d. All of the aboved. All of the above
DNA from which of the following component persist for decades or longer: a. Nucleus b. Endoplasmic reiculum c. Mitochondria d. Lysosomesc. Mitochondria
Rectangular bite mark characteristic are feature of: a. Upper anterior teeth b. Upper four front teeth c. Lower cuspid d . All of the aboveb. Upper four front teeth
Round or ovoids bite mark are a feature of: a. Upper and lower cuspids b, Lower central incisors c. Lower lateral incisors d. All of the abovea. Upper and lower cuspids
Gaps seen between marks indicate which of the following: a. The suspect has no tooth present. b. The tooth is shorter due to its normal shape or previous breakage. c. There was an object (e. g clothing) that blocked the tooth from contacting the kin. d. All of the aboved. All of the above
The most reliable metal ratio in forensic investigation is: a, Magnesium/ zinc ratio b. Zinc/ sodium ratio c. Chromium/sodium ratio d. Magnesium/ sodium ratioa, Magnesium/ zinc ratio
Which of the following isotope in enamel is used for estimation of age? a. Carbon b. Nitrogen c. Helium d. Uraniuma. Carbon
Root dentin become translucent in which decade of life: a. Immediately after the completion of the root b. In second decade of the life c. In third decade of life d. In seventh decade of lifec. In third decade of life
Which of the following factor isnot used for assessment of the age by gustaffson? a. Attrition and dentin translucency b. Secondary dentin deposition and loss of periodontal attachment c, Incremental lines of cementum d. Root resorption at the root apexc, Incremental lines of cementum
Bite marks on the skin are always contaminated by saliva and if the biter is a secretor, contain: a. Amylase b. Ptyalin c, Blood groups d. All of the aboved. All of the above
Bites in which the teeth bite right through the bitten material is classified as: a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IVc. Type III
Dactylography in medicolegal work employs the study of: a, Birth marks and moles b. Acquired malformations c. Finger prints d. Footprintsc. Finger prints
Yellowish or dark brown stains on the back of incisor teeth are usually due to: a, Fluorosis b. Heavy metal poisoning c. Cigarette smoking d. Betel/tobacco chewing habitsc. Cigarette smoking
A green line on the gums indicate poisoning with: a. Copper b. Bismuth c. Lead d. Mercurya. Copper
Skull of a male differs from that of a female by all of the following: a. Capacity greater than 1500cc b. Muscular markings over occiput are less marked c. Orbits are square d. Frontal eminence smallb. Muscular markings over occiput are less marked
For determination of sex, smear is taken from: a. Vagina b. Buccal mucosa c. Skin d. Noseb. Buccal mucosa
Coronal suture completely fuses by the age of: a. 20 years b. 30 years c. 40 years d. 50 yearsd. 50 years
Most reliable method of identification of a person is by: a. Anthropometry b. Dactylography c. DNA finger printing d. Dentitionb. Dactylography
Among the secondary changes in tooth, most useful one for age determination is: a. Attrition b. Secondary dentin deposition c. Root resorption d. Root transparencyd. Root transparency
The most useful racial clue in human dentition is: a. Tooth size and shape(shovel shaped incissors) b. Cusp of carabelli c. Enamel pearl d . Dental pulp shapea. Tooth size and shape(shovel shaped incissors)
Bite marks on the tongue, cheeks & lips are usually suggestive of death due to: a. Epileptic seizures b. Sexual abuse c. Untreated hemophilias d. Cardiac arresta. Epileptic seizures
Study of tooth prints is called as: a. Ameloglyphics b. Cheilography c. Dermatoglyphics d. Dentinoglyphicsa. Ameloglyphics
"Swiss identification system" refers to: a. Identification of offender by bite marks b. Identification of death in mass disaster c. Identification of father in cases of paternal disputes d. All of the aboveb. Identification of death in mass disaster
records prepared from pre-existing documents from a family dentist for identification of dead person is called: a. Antemortem records b. Postmortem records c. Antenatal records d. Postnatal recordsa. Antemortem records
The individual who receives a bite is called: a. Victim b. Suspect c. Perpetrator d. Assailanta. Victim
Which of the following is a non-specific identification of a dead person? a. Visual recognition of personal effects b. Serological analysis c. Analysis of skeletal remnants d. Analysis of finger printsa. Visual recognition of personal effects
The most reliable criteria in Gustafson's method of identification is: a. Cementum apposition b. Attrition c. Transparency of root d. Root resorptionc. Transparency of root
In heterosexual assault, bite marks are commonly found on: a. Breast of female and shoulders of males b. Shoulders of females and chest of male c. Extremities of both sexes d. Genitalia of females and malesa. Breast of female and shoulders of males
If cephalic index of a person is below 75%, he is said to have: a. Dolicocephalic b. Mesocephalic c. Brachycephalic d. Leptoproscopica. Dolicocephalic
The root and calcification of mandibular 2nd molar is completed by: a. 9 years b. 12 years c. 15 years d. 18 yearsc. 15 years
Which of the following can be considered as finger print" analogue in dentition? a. Pattern of attrition b. Secondary dentin c. Incremental lines d. Transparency of rootc. Incremental lines
Tsuchihashi classification is used for: a. Lip print analysis b. Bite mark analysis c. Age estimation in children d. Age estimation in adultsa. Lip print analysis
All of the following are methods utilized for age determination in adults except: a. Demirjian's grading b. Dentin translucency by Bang and Ramn c. Gustafson's method d. Kagerer and Grupea. Demirjian's grading
COVID-lg has recently been in news and has spread in almost all countries, it is considered: a. Epidemic b. Pandemic c. Endemic d. Sporadicb. Pandemic
DNA of an assilant can be obtained from the surface of a bite mark by sampling: a. Oral microflora b. Saliva c. Skin d. Dental pulpb. Saliva
Estimation of age from third molar is: a. Always reliable b. Never reliable c. Sometimes reliable d. None of the abovec. Sometimes reliable
In chronic arsenic poisoning, following samples can be sent to laboratory examination except: a. Nail clippings b. Hair samples c. Bone biopsy d. blood sampled. blood sample
Forensic odontology concentrates on which body part? 1. skull 2. torso 3. feet 4. teeth4. teeth
In a charred body, which of the following means is useful in identification: 1. Stature 2. Scar marks 3. Dental record comparison 4, Skeletal features3. Dental record comparison
How many teeth does a normal adult human have? 1. 20 2.40 3.32 4.263.32
Teeth are harder than bone and are the last part of the body to be broken down or destroyed. Which component of the teeth is the hardest substance in the human body? 1. dentine 2. enamel 3. cementum 4. plaque2. enamel
Who is the father of forensic odontology? 1. Dr. Oscar Amoebda 2. Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila 3. Arthur Mourant 4. Calvin Hooker Goddard1. Dr. Oscar Amoebda
Forensic dentistry is responsible for all of the following except 1. determining the amount and type of DNA 2. identification of found human remains 3. Assessment of bite mark injuries 4. Age estimation1. determining the amount and type of DNA
First teeth to erupt in mouth is 1. Upper central incisor 2. Upper canine 3. Lower central incisor 4. Lower canine3. Lower central incisor
Your "two front teeth " are called 1. canines 2. central incisors 3. lateral incisors 4. cuspids2. central incisors
How many teeth does a child have with a full set of teeth ? 1. 32 2.20 3.25 4-302.20
Dental numbering is done by all except 1. Palmer's notation 2. Haderup system 3. Universal system 4. Anatomic and diagrammatic charting4. Anatomic and diagrammatic charting
Why are photographs of the bites necessary? 1. Identify as human bite 2. Swabbed for DNA 3. Bite marks Change over time 4. Pulp from center of teeth3. Bite marks Change over time
Part of the tooth that contains useful resource of DNA is Pulp from center of teeth True FalseTrue
What is the second step in analyzing bite marks? 1. Pulp from center of teeth 2. Identify as human bite 3. Swabbed for DNA 4. Making impression3. Swabbed for DNA
Teeth abnormality called 'Peg lateral' is seen in between which to teeth. 1. Between 1st and 2nd molars 2. Between canines and premolars 3. Between central incisors 4. Between 1st and 2nd premolars3. Between central incisors
Anodontia is a teeth condition in which 1. More than 32 teeth are present 2. No teeth are present in the jaw 3.6 or more than 6 teeth are absent from the jaw 4. None of the above2. No teeth are present in the jaw