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level: Transport and exchange

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level questions: Transport and exchange

The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, resulting in the equal distribution of particles.Diffusion
How do substances move in and out of cells through the cell membrane?Substances move through the cell membrane by diffusion.
A semipermeable membrane that surrounds the cell, controlling the passage of substances in and out.Cell Membrane
Where does diffusion commonly occur in the body?Diffusion commonly occurs in various places in the body.
The process by which gases move between the lungs and the bloodstream.Gas Exchange
Give an example of diffusion during gas exchange in the body.Diffusion happens in the lungs during gas exchange.
Tiny sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs.Alveoli
What surrounds the alveoli in the lungs?Alveoli are surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries.
Tiny blood vessels connecting arteries and veins, facilitating the exchange of substances between blood and tissues.Capillaries
What is the role of capillaries during gas exchange in the lungs?Capillaries facilitate the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the alveoli and the blood.
The amount of a specific gas present in a given space or substance.Gas Concentration
How does oxygen move during gas exchange in the lungs based on concentration?Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood where the oxygen concentration is lower.
A waste gas produced by cells during cellular respiration.Carbon Dioxide
How does carbon dioxide move during gas exchange in the lungs based on concentration?Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveoli, later to be breathed out.
A waste product produced by body cells as a result of protein metabolism.Urea
What is an example of diffusion involving urea?The movement of urea is an example of diffusion.
The liquid component of blood in which blood cells are suspended.Blood Plasma
Where does urea diffuse after moving out of cells?Urea diffuses into the blood plasma.
A semipermeable membrane that enclose cells, controlling the movement of substances in and out.Cell Membrane
Why can urea diffuse through cell membranes?Urea particles can pass through cell membranes.
The amount of urea present in a specific area or substance.Concentration of Urea
What is the concentration of urea like in body cells compared to the blood?The concentration of urea is higher in body cells than in the blood.
Organs responsible for filtering waste products from the blood to produce urine.Kidneys
Where does urea travel after diffusing into the blood?Urea travels to the kidneys.
Liquid waste product formed by the kidneys, containing urea and other substances.Urine
How is urea removed from the body?Urea is removed from the body in urine.
Substances that, like urea, need to be moved in and out of organisms.Water, Dissolved Food Molecules, and Mineral Ions.
Besides urea, name other substances that undergo movement in and out of organisms.Water, Dissolved Food Molecules, and Mineral Ions.
The combined area of all sides of an object.Surface Area
The space occupied by an object, calculated as height × width × depth.Volume
The ratio of an object's surface area to its volume.Surface Area to Volume Ratio
What is the formula for the surface area to volume ratio?Surface Area : Volume.
How many sides does a cube have, and what is the area of each side in the example given?A cube has 6 sides, and each side has an area of 4 cm².
What is the volume of the cube in the example, and how is it calculated?The volume is 8 cm³, calculated as 2 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm.
The ratio of the surface area to the volume for the cube.Surface Area to Volume Ratio Calculation for Cube
What is the surface area to volume ratio for the cube, and how is it simplified?The ratio is 24:8, which simplifies to 3:1.
The larger an object, the smaller its surface area to volume ratio.Relationship Between Size and Surface Area to Volume Ratio
How does the surface area to volume ratio change with the size of an object?The larger the object, the smaller its surface area to volume ratio.
Organisms consisting of only one cell, such as bacteria and amoebas.Single-Celled Organisms
What is the surface area to volume ratio of single-celled organisms like?Single-celled organisms have a large surface area to volume ratio.
The external area of a single-celled organism.Surface Area in Single-Celled Organisms
Why do single-celled organisms have a large surface area?To facilitate efficient exchange of substances through diffusion.
The amount of internal content within a single-celled organism.Volume in Single-Celled Organisms
Why is the volume of single-celled organisms relatively small?To maintain a high surface area to volume ratio.
The efficiency of substances diffusing in and out of an organism.Surface Area to Volume Ratio in Diffusion
How does the large surface area to volume ratio impact diffusion in single-celled organisms?It allows molecules to efficiently diffuse in and out of the organism.
The process of substances taking in and waste products getting rid of through diffusion.Substances Exchange in Single-Celled Organisms
How do single-celled organisms acquire necessary substances and eliminate waste products?Through diffusion across their outer surface.
The benefits of efficient substance exchange for the organism.Advantage of Large Surface Area to Volume Ratio in Single-Celled Organisms
Why is a large surface area to volume ratio advantageous for single-celled organisms?It enables effective diffusion for acquiring nutrients and eliminating waste.
Organisms composed of multiple cells, such as plants and animals.Multicellular Organisms
What is the surface area to volume ratio of multicellular organisms like?Multicellular organisms have smaller surface area to volume ratios.
Structures adapted for specific functions in multicellular organisms.Specialised Structures in Multicellular Organisms
Why do multicellular organisms have specialised structures for exchanging materials?To compensate for the slower diffusion rate through their outer surface.
Surfaces adapted for efficient exchange of substances in multicellular organisms.Exchange Surfaces in Multicellular Organisms
What adaptations do exchange surfaces in multicellular organisms have to increase the rate of diffusion?Large surface area, thin membrane, good blood supply, and ventilation.
An adaptation to increase the number of particles that can diffuse simultaneously.Large Surface Area in Exchange Surfaces
Why is a large surface area important for exchange surfaces in multicellular organisms?It enhances the rate of diffusion by accommodating more particles.
An adaptation to reduce the distance molecules must travel during diffusion.Thin Membrane in Exchange Surfaces
How does a thin membrane aid the exchange of substances in multicellular organisms?It shortens the distance molecules need to travel, facilitating faster diffusion.
Adaptations that maintain a favorable concentration gradient for efficient diffusion.Good Blood Supply and Ventilation in Exchange Surfaces
Why do exchange surfaces in animals have a good blood supply and ventilation?To ensure a larger concentration gradient, promoting a faster rate of diffusion.
A system allowing the movement of substances throughout the body.Transport System in Multicellular Organisms
Why do multicellular organisms need a transport system?To move substances, such as oxygen, around the body efficiently.
The transport system in humans, comprising the heart and blood vessels.Circulatory System in Humans
What is the circulatory system in humans responsible for?Moving substances, like oxygen, from one part of the body to another.
The process of exchanging gases, typically oxygen and carbon dioxide, between an organism and its environment.Gas Exchange
What are the primary gases involved in gas exchange in the lungs?Oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Small, air-filled sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs.Alveoli
What is the role of alveoli in the lungs?Alveoli are specialised for gas exchange.
The total area of the alveoli available for gas exchange.Surface Area in Alveoli
Why is the surface area of alveoli crucial for efficient gas exchange?A larger surface area allows for more efficient gas exchange.
The thickness of the alveoli membrane, which is only one cell thick.Single-Cell Thickness in Alveoli
How does the single-cell thickness of alveoli aid in gas exchange?It reduces the distance gases must diffuse, facilitating faster exchange.
The network of blood vessels surrounding the alveoli.Blood Supply in Alveoli
Why is a good blood supply important in the alveoli for gas exchange?It ensures efficient transport of gases to and from the alveoli.
Structural features that enable rapid and efficient gas diffusion.Adaptations for Quick Gas Diffusion
How do the adaptations of alveoli contribute to quick and efficient gas diffusion?They provide a large surface area, single-cell thickness, and a good blood supply.
The movement of gases from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.Gas Diffusion
What is the primary mechanism for gas exchange in the alveoli?Gas diffusion between the blood and the alveoli.
The ability to quickly and effectively exchange gases.Efficiency in Gas Exchange
Why is efficiency crucial in the process of gas exchange in the lungs?Efficient gas exchange ensures an adequate supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide.