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level: The UK's Human Geography

Questions and Answers List

level questions: The UK's Human Geography

The number of people living in a specific area, usually per square kilometer or square mile.Population Density
How is population density defined?Population density is the number of people inhabiting a certain amount of space, typically measured per square kilometer or square mile.
How people utilize the available land for various purposes such as residential, commercial, or agricultural activities.Land Use
What does land use refer to?Land use refers to how people use the available land for different purposes, including residential, commercial, or agricultural activities.
Higher population density is observed in urban areas or cities.City Population Density
Where is population density generally higher?Population density is higher in cities or urban areas.
In 2011, London had a population density of 5,630 people per square kilometer.London's Population Density (2011)
What was London's population density in 2011?In 2011, London had a population density of 5,630 people per square kilometer.
In 2011, both Manchester and Birmingham had population densities of roughly 4,050 people per square kilometer.Manchester and Birmingham Population Densities (2011)
What were the population densities of Manchester and Birmingham in 2011?In 2011, both Manchester and Birmingham had population densities of roughly 4,050 people per square kilometer.
Population density is low in rural, mountainous, and agricultural areas.Low Population Density Areas
Where is population density generally low?Population density is low in rural, mountainous, and agricultural areas.
The entire country of Scotland has a population density of 67 people per square kilometer.Population Density of Scotland
What is the population density of the whole of Scotland?The whole of Scotland has a population density of 67 people per square kilometer.
Areas with no people living there have a population density of zero.Zero Population Density
How is population density measured in areas with no inhabitants?Areas with no people living there have a population density of zero.
A situation where a large number of people live in a relatively small area, often measured in terms of people per square kilometer or square mile.High Population Density
How is high population density defined?High population density refers to a situation where a large number of people live in a relatively small area, usually measured in terms of people per square kilometer or square mile.
Higher demand for housing in areas with high population density often leads to increased house prices.Expensive House Prices
What is a common issue in areas with high population density regarding housing?Areas with high population density tend to have more expensive house prices due to increased demand.
In areas with high population density, the availability of housing tends to be limited.Lower Housing Availability
What is a common challenge in areas with high population density regarding housing availability?Areas with high population density typically face lower housing availability.
High population density areas are more susceptible to the rapid spread of diseases during pandemics.Disease Spreading in Pandemics
What is a significant concern in areas with high population density during pandemics?High population density areas are more prone to the rapid spread of diseases during pandemics.
Areas with high population density put increased pressure on public services such as education, healthcare, and transportation.Strain on Public Services
How does high population density impact public services?Areas with high population density put more strain on public services, including education, healthcare, and transportation.
High population density areas often experience challenges in providing adequate educational services due to the large number of residents.Education Strain
What is one specific public service that experiences strain in areas with high population density?Education services in high population density areas often face challenges due to the large number of residents.
High population density places additional stress on healthcare services to meet the increased demand for medical care.Healthcare Strain
How does high population density impact healthcare services?High population density places additional strain on healthcare services to meet the increased demand for medical care.
Areas with high population density often struggle to meet the transportation needs of a large number of residents.Transportation Strain
What is a common challenge in transportation services in areas with high population density?Transportation services in high population density areas often face challenges in meeting the needs of a large number of residents.
How people utilize and manage the available land for various purposes.Land Use
What does the term "land use" refer to?Land use refers to how people utilize and manage the available land for various purposes.
Areas of land used for agricultural purposes, including cultivation and livestock farming.Farmland
What percentage of the UK is designated as farmland?About 71% of the UK is farmland.
Large expanses of land covered with trees and vegetation, often used for timber and biodiversity conservation.Forest
What percentage of the UK is covered by forests?About 13% of the UK is forested.
Areas characterized by the presence of towns and cities, often densely populated.Urban
What percentage of the UK is classified as urban, including towns and cities?About 7% of the UK is urban.
Areas of land that remain unaffected by human activities, preserving their natural state.Natural and Undisturbed
What does the remainder of the UK's land consist of?The remainder (~9%) of the UK's land is natural and undisturbed, unaffected by human activities.
Utilizing land for cultivation, livestock farming, and other activities related to food production.Agricultural Purposes
What is the primary purpose of farmland in the UK?Farmland in the UK is primarily used for agricultural purposes, including cultivation and livestock farming.
The dual purpose of forested areas involving the sustainable harvesting of wood and the preservation of diverse ecosystems.Timber (Wood) and Biodiversity Conservation
What are the dual purposes of forested areas in the UK?Forested areas in the UK serve the purposes of providing timber and contributing to biodiversity conservation.
Regions with a high concentration of people, often characterized by towns and cities.Densely Populated Areas
How would you describe urban areas in terms of population concentration?Urban areas in the UK are characterized by a high concentration of people, including towns and cities.