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level: Work done

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level questions: Work done

One of the three main ways to change the energy of a system, involving the transfer of energy through work done by forces.Work Done by Forces
What is one way to change the energy of a system, and how is it accomplished?Work done by forces is one way to change the energy of a system, and it involves the transfer of energy through forces, such as pushing a box across the floor.
An example illustrating the transfer of energy through work done by forces, like pushing a box across the floor.Work Done by Forces Example: Pushing a Box
Provide an example of changing energy through work done by forces.Pushing a box across the floor transfers energy from the chemical energy store in your arms to the kinetic and thermal energy stores of the box and surroundings.
The second way to change the energy of a system, involving the transfer of energy in electrical equipment.Electrical Equipment
What is the second way to change the energy of a system, and what is involved in this process?The second way is through electrical equipment, where energy is transferred from chemical energy stores (e.g., battery) to kinetic and thermal energy stores (e.g., electric scooter and surroundings).
An example demonstrating the transfer of energy in electrical equipment, such as starting an electric scooter.Electrical Equipment Example: Starting an Electric Scooter
Provide an example of changing energy in electrical equipment.Starting an electric scooter transfers energy from the battery's chemical energy store to the kinetic and thermal energy stores of the scooter and surroundings.
The third way to change the energy of a system, involving the transfer of energy through heating.Heating
What is the third way to change the energy of a system, and how is it achieved?Heating is the third way, where energy is transferred from a chemical energy store (e.g., gas) to the thermal energy store of the system (e.g., boiling water, pan, and surroundings).
An example illustrating the transfer of energy through heating, such as boiling water on a gas hob.Heating Example: Boiling Water on a Gas Hob
Provide an example of changing energy through heating.Boiling a pan of water on a gas hob transfers energy from the gas's chemical energy store to the thermal energy store of the water, pan, and surroundings.
Work is done when a force moves an object through a distance.Definition of Work done
When is work done on an object, and what is the condition for work to occur?Work is done on an object when a force moves it through a distance.
The object must move in the same direction as the force for work to be done.Direction of Force and Object Movement
What condition must be met for work to be done, regarding the direction of the force and the object's movement?The object must move in the same direction as the force.
Work done is calculated from the force and the distance moved by the object.Calculation of Work Done
How can work done be calculated, and what are the necessary parameters?Work done is calculated from the force multiplied by the distance moved by the object.
Work done is equal to the energy transferred.Energy Transferred
What is the relationship between work done and energy transferred?Work done is equal to the energy transferred.
Work done and energy transferred share the same units: the joule (J).Units of Work Done and Energy Transferred
What units are used to measure work done, and how do they relate to energy transfer?The units for work done are joules (J), which are also used for energy transfer.
The greater the force acting on an object, the greater the work done.Impact of Force on Work Done
How does the force acting on an object affect the amount of work done?The greater the force, the greater the work done.
The greater the distance moved by the object, the greater the work done.Impact of Distance Moved on Work Done
How does the distance moved by an object affect the amount of work done?The greater the distance moved, the greater the work done.
The unit of measurement for both work done and energy transferred.Joule
What is the unit of measurement for work done and energy transferred?The joule (J) is the unit for both work done and energy transferred.
1 joule of work is done when a force of 1 N causes a displacement of 1 m.1 Joule of Work
How is 1 joule of work defined in terms of force and displacement?1 joule of work is done when a force of 1 N causes a displacement of 1 m.
When an apple falls, it does work as its weight moves it through a distance.Work Done by Falling Apple
How does an apple do work as it falls, and what force is involved?An apple does work by gravity as its weight moves it through a distance.
The work done by an object against air resistance, which is a type of friction.Work Against Air Resistance
What type of force is air resistance, and what work does an object do against it?Air resistance is a type of friction, and work is done against it as an object moves through the air.
The result of air resistance on a falling apple, causing an increase in temperature.Temperature Increase in Falling Apple
How does air resistance affect the temperature of a falling apple?Air resistance increases the temperature of the apple.
When a box is pushed, work is done against friction between the box and the surface.Work Done Against Friction in Pushed Box
What force does a pushed box work against, and what is the result?Work is done against friction when a box is pushed, leading to a temperature increase.
The consequence of doing work against friction when pushing a box, resulting in a temperature increase.Temperature Rise in Pushed Box
How does work done against friction affect the temperature of a pushed box?It causes a rise in the temperature of the box.
Work done against any frictional force acting on an object causes a rise in the temperature of the object.Generalization: Work Against Friction
What is the general effect of doing work against any frictional force on an object?It causes a rise in the temperature of the object.