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level: Topic 1 4: Power

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Topic 1 4: Power

What is power?The rate at which energy is transferred
What is the equation for power?P = E/t
What is time measured in?seconds
What is energy transferred or work done measured in?joules
What is specific heat capacity equation, putting heat capacity as the subject?c = ΔE/ mΔθ
What equipments do you need for investigating specific heat capacity?Thermometer, immersion heater, cylinder made from insulating material and joulemeter to main energy supply
What does a joulemeter do?It is an electronic device used to measure the energy transfer by electricity in a circuit
What is power measured in?Joules
What does a Wattmeter do?It is an electronic device used to measure watts
What should you do for the specific heat capacity required practical activity if you do not have access to a joulemeter or wattmeterConnect an ammeter in in series with the heater and voltmeter in parallel
What does an ammeter do?Measures current in amps
What does a voltmeter do?Measures potential difference
What is an equation for power if you do not know the work done or energy transferred?P=IV
What is the equation of energy transferred?E = Pt
What is Δθ?Change in temperature
What is ΔE?Change in thermal energy
What is m?Mass
What is c?Specific heat capacity (J/ Kg°c)
What is E?Energy transferred
What is t?time
What is P?Power
What is W?Work done