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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

demeanor(n.) behavior; manner of conducting oneself syn: deportment
celibateadj.) abstaining from intercourse; unmarried
fortuitousadj.) happening by chance or accident syn: accidental; unexpected; intentional ant: premeditated
recapitulate(v.) to summarize; to repeat briefly
perfunctory(adj.) done without a care; in a routine fashion syn: indifferent; offhand ant: diligent; attentive
baroque(adj.) overly decorated syn: ornate ant: simple
obloquy(n.) strong disapproval; a bad reputation syn: censure; rebuke ant: acclaim; praise
debacle(n.) a complete failure; a total collapse syn: calamity; catastrophe ant: success; triumph
quasi(adj.) resembling; seeming; half
besmirch(v.) to make dirty; to stain syn: soil; sully; smear ant: cleanse
sacrosanct(adj.) extremely holy syn: divine; angelic
sadistic(adj.) deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others syn: barbarous; perverse ant: civilized; human
demeanor(n.) behavior; manner of conducting oneself syn: deportment
facetious(adj.) comical; jocular; flippant syn: joking; witty; jocose ant: solemn; serious
imperative(adj.) extremely necessary; vitally important