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level: Ch1: hyperthyroidism

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Ch1: hyperthyroidism

What is hyperthyroidism and what are its types?It is increased thyroid hormones, may be overt (low TSH with elevated T3/T4) or subclinical (low or undetectable TSH with normal T3 T4
What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?Hyperactivity, anxiety, weightloss, heat intolerance, increased sweating (Perspiration) , palpitation, tremor
what are the signs of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis?Tachycardia, systolic HTN with wide PP, warm moist skin, Lid lag, stare, hand tremor, muscle weakness, ophthalmopathy, pertibial myxedema dermopathy (grave's disease)
How is the diagnosis of hyperthyoridism?Blood test (Supressed TSH and elevated T3/T4- if mild only elevated T3, subclinical low TSH but normal T3 T4)
What are the causes of primary hyperthyroidism?1. Graves’ disease 2. Toxic adenoma and TMNG 3. Subacute thyroiditis 4. hCG-induced gestational hyperthyroidism 5. Trophoblast tumors (hydatiform mole, choriocarcinoma) 6. Struma ovarii 7. Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism
What are the causes of secondary hyperthyroidism?Pituitary adenoma
What is grave's disease?Autoimmune disorder causing hyperthyroidism. Due to presence of thyroid receptor antibodies stimulate thyroid gland --> overfunction.
What are labs seen in grave's disease?TSab (antibodies, AKA TSI/ LATS (long acting thyroid stimulator)/TRab (thyroid receptor Ab) Specfic test (over 69-90%) for grave's anti-TPO present 85% but not specific
How is the iodine uptake in grave's disease?Very much increased with a butterfly appearance
What is toxic adenoma?Somatic mutation leading to thyroid adenoma, overfunctioning, called hot nodule, may be overt or subclinical hyperthyroidism (may be multiple hot nodules)
What is subacute thyroditis?Excessive release of thyroid hormones due to a damage in the gland, resolves alone after 3 months and causes TSH suppression FT4 and T3 may be normal, and antibodies may be also normal On scan appears transparent since thyroid hormones are leaking
What is hCG induced gestational hyperthyroidism?hCG works as a week TSH, stimulates thyroid, causes hyperthyroidism in first trimester, resolves 14-16 weeks of gestation.
What is trophoblast tumors (choriocarcinoma)?Increased hCG by a cancer causing hyperthyroid
What is struma ovary?Ovarian teratoma causing autonomous function of thyroid
What is iodine-induced hyperthyroidism?Excessive iodine intake causing increased thyroid hormone production, like in latent grave's or MNG. Happens after IV dye or medication with high iodine (Amiodarone)
What is secondary hyperthyroidism?Pituitary adenoma producing TSH, excess f T4 with no inhibition of TSH Labs: abnormally normal TSH with high fT4
How is the management of hyperthyroidism?Medications (Methimazol, PTU (inhibit thyroid production), Beta blockers (reduce symptoms (tachycardia and tremors)) Radioactive iodine (I-131 accumulates in thyroid, used in grave's , toxic adenoma and TMNG, cant treat thyroiditis) Surgery (total (grave's) or hemi (toxic adenoma) thyroidectomy)