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level: Crime and Punishment

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Crime and Punishment

What is crime?Any action that is against the law, that has been put in place by the rules of any state.
What is evil?The opposite of good and a source of negative power.
What is poverty?Lacking basic needs and being poor.
What is mental illness?Medical conditions that can affect your emotions, feelings, moods and relationships.
What is an addiction?A physical or mental dependence on something.
What is greed?The wanting more of something which you don't need or have.
What are the 4 reasons for crime?Poverty, greed, mental illness and addiction.
What do Christians believe about greed? Include sources of authority.- Christians believe that stealing is wrong due to the ten commandments, "you shall not steal". - The Bible teaches against greed, "money is the root of all evil". - 'The parable of the rich young man > A man came to Jesus and asked, “What good thing must I do to receive eternal life?” Jesus told him to keep the commandments , to which the young man replied that he had. Jesus then told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor