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level: VIDEO LEC

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level questions: VIDEO LEC

disorder with abnormally elevated levels of fat particles in the blood known as lipidsHyperlipidemia
can adhere to walls of the arteries and restrict blood flow which in turn creates significant risk of heart attack and stroke.Lipids
3 Major Lipids in Blood1 Cholesterol 2 Triglycerides 3 Phospholipids
necessary for the synthesis of bile acid, steroid hormones and to maintain the integrity of cell membranes.Cholesterol
composed of glycerol and 3 fatty acids; serve as an important source of energy that can be stored throughout the body.Triglycerides
major components of all cell membranes and function as emulsifiersPhospholipids
Since lipids are insoluble in blood plasma, they have to be transported throughout the body in a protein capsule known as __ consist of hydrophobic core made of cholesterol and triglycerides surrounded by hydrophilic shell made of phospholipids and apolipoproteins.lipoprotein.
specialized proteins that can control enzymes in lipoprotein metabolism, and serve as ligands for lipoprotein receptors.Apolipoproteins
4 Major Lipoprotein Types1 Chylomicrons 2 Very Low-Density Lipoprotein 3 Low-Density Lipoprotein 4 High-Density Lipoprotein
produced in the gut from dietary lipids; composed mostly of triglycerides and relatively small amounts of cholesterolChylomicrons
produced in liver; composed primarily of triglycerides and some cholesterol in the amount relatively larger in comparison to chylomicrons.Very Low-Density Lipoprotein
contains relatively higher percentage of cholesterol; bad cholesterolLow-Density Lipoprotein
produced in liver and small intestine; composed mainly of protein with small amounts of lipids; good cholesterolHigh-Density Lipoprotein
Function of Chylomicron and VLDL:deliver energy-rich triglycerides to cells throughout the body. Once secreted into bloodstream, the enzyme located on the capillary walls called lipoprotein lipase, releases fatty acids and taken up by tissues. As the triglyceride content decreases, the VLDL transforms into LDL
Function of LDL:deliver this cholesterol to cells where it’s used for cell membrane and synthesis of steroid hormones. Half of this circulating LDL is eventually taken up by the liver which uses cholesterol to synthesize bile acids. Lastly, excess cholesterol from the peripheral cells is transported back to the liver by HDL
Problem arises when there are abnormally high levels of LDL cholesterol which can accumulate in the innermost layer of the artery wall and lead to formation of ___atherosclerotic lesions.
prevents formation of atherosclerotic lesions by removing cholesterol and suppressing LDL oxidation and vascular inflammation. Abnormally low levels of THIS can also contribute to atherosclerosis.HDL