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level: cam 14 test 1

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level questions: cam 14 test 1

brick by bricksteadily, in a step-by step manner, the creation or destruction of smt.
fairy-taleenchanted, magical, fabulous
turreta small tower on a large building, especially a castle
fire-breathingable to produce a stream of fire from the mouth
wickedevil, unkind, sadistic, crual, >< good
gallantkind, polite, respectful, gracious >< rude, cowardly
enchantingattractive, pleasant, delightful, interesting, compelling
take the first stepbegin, start new things
repercussionconsequence, effect, impact, outcome (cuss= shake i.e discussion, concussion)
abandonleave behind, give up, walk out on >< stay with
in favor ofPreferring to choose someone or something that you believe is better
boss someone aroundgive orders, Oder around, command, bully >< obey
pretencepretense, make believe, imagination >< reality
settle downto relax, doing a quiet activity
take turn (take it in turns)alternate
underpinsupport, reinforce, strengthen >< weaken
intellectualphilosopher, thinker, scholar (lect = read i.e prelect, lecture)
adaptableadjustable, easygoing, flexible >< in flexible
Millennia (plural) - millennium (singular)1000 years
extolpraise, admire, exalt >< deprecate
virtuegoodness, integrity, morality >< wickedness
mindful ofaware, attentive >< unaware, inattentive
point outindicate, show, reveal >< hide
scarerare, uncommon, limited, in short supply >< plentiful, abundant
curtailrestrain, limit, restrict, reduce
perceptioninsight, view, opinion (per= thoroughly i.e perfection, persistence)
emphasisstress, importance, highlighting
implicationeffect, inference, association, knock- on effect (plic = fold i.e complicate, application)
leisurefree time, entertainment, relaxation
facilitiesbuildings, services, equipment, etc. that are provided for a particular purpose (fac=do, make i.e factory, facilitate)
child-initiated playplay in which children choose what and how to play and who to play with
spontaneousunplanned, natural, impulsive >< planned
interveneinterrupt, get involved become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it (ven= come i.e invent, advent)
puzzlemystery, enigma, riddle >< explanation
possibilityoption, probability, likelihood, prospect
self-controlself-discipline, willpower, ability to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry, excited, etc
undertakecarry out, embark on, take on >< relinquish
toddlerbaby, a child who has only recently learnt to walk
pre-schoolera child who does not yet go to school, or who goes to preschool
set-uparrangement, system, situation, circumstance
problem- solverthose who are good at finding ways of dealing with problems (solv=loosen, set free i.e dissolve, solution)
playfullively, frisky, full of fun, full of life >< subdued
facilitateenable, aid, help, assist, smooth the process of >< impede
self-regulateself-control, self-discipline, self-will (regul=rule i.e regular, regulation)
predictorsomething that can show what will happen in the future (dic/dict=proclaim, say i.e dictation, verdict)
indicatorpointer, display, sign (dic/dict= proclaim, say i.e dictation, verdict)
investigateexamine, explore, inspect, check
observewatch, view, monitor, study >< ignore (serv=save, protect i.e conserve, reserve)
well-beingcomfort, happiness, welfare
diagnosisanalysis, discover or identify the exact cause of an illness or problem (gno = know i.e telegnosis, agnosia)
Neurodevelopmental disordersa group of disorders in which the development of the central nervous system is disturbed (neur=nerve i.e neurologic, neural)
autisma mental condition in which a person finds it very difficult to communicate or form relationships with others (aut=self i.e automatic, authentic)
approachmethod, tactic, methodology
stimulusincentive, motivation, incitement, encouragement
backwaterremote place, the middle of nowhere, backwoods, sticks
untroubledpeaceful, calm, tranquil, undisturbed >< bothered, troubled
debateArgument, discuss, dispute
controversydisagreement, discussion, debate >< agreement (vers=turn i.e convert, adverse)
landscapeenvironment, situation, background
hotlyfirecely, angrily, strongly, passionately >< dispassionately
trivialminor, unimportant, insignificant >< crucial
contrastdiffer, conflict, be different from something (contra=against i.e contraception, contradict)
fundamentalbasic, essential, central, important (fund = bottom i.e foundation, profound)
deviseinvent, create, plan, conceive
schemeprogram, plan, system, strategy (schem = plan i.e schema, schematic)
come up withthink of, create, produce
activistprotester, advocate, campaigner
perceiveunderstand, notice, recognize, distinguish, become aware of >< ignore
threatrisk, danger, trouble
consumerismthe belief that it is good to buy and use a lot of goods and services - often used to show disapproval (sum=take i.e assume, subsume)
leafletflyer, pamphlet, brochure, booklet, handout (piece of paper advertising)
recallremember, remind, elicit, bring to mind >< forget
a great dealenormous, a large amount, significant >< a little, a few
struggleto try very hard to do something when it is difficult
get off the ground (phrase)start to be successful
be opposed todisagree with, against, object to (op/ob= against i.e offend, oblique)
initiativeproposal, scheme, idea, project
distributegive out, allocate, spread
symbolicfigurative, representative, emblematic
seizegrab, get hold of, capture, take >< lose
elaboratecomplicated, complex, detailed, carefully prepared and organized
municipalitycity, borough, town, metropolis
turn outcome out, result, become, end up
unanimouslyall together, consistently, totally >< partly
gloriousmagnificent, wonderful, superb >< inglorious (glori = glory, vainglory)
discouragedemoralized, deter, less confident >< encourage
deposita sum of money that is paid by somebody when they rent something and that is returned to them if they do not lose or damage the thing they are renting (posit=put i.e position, apposite)
arousestimulate, provoke, awaken, stir up, encourage, inspire
consciousaware, mindful, deliberate >< unaware, unconscious
proveshow, demonstrate, verify >< disprove
guilderthe standard unit of money used in the Netherlands before the Euro
chipmicrochip = a very small piece of silicon containing a set of electronic parts, which is used in computers and other machines
conspicousvisible, clear, noticeable, obvious >< inconspicous (spic=look i.e aspect, prospect, respect)
sturdyrobust, durable, strong, well-made, heavy-duty >< weak
rackframe, framework, holder
distributedeliver, spread, spread out
announcepublicize, inform, tell, publish >< keep secret