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level: Lets get niche

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Lets get niche

Fundamental NicheFull range of environmental conditions that a species can occupy with no limiting factors to constrain their populations
Realised NicheThe actual range of environmental conditions occupied by the species
Competitive ExclusionWhen 2 species occupy the same niche, 1species (A) will out-compete the other (B)→ forcing B to die out [The complete removal of one species from its habitat]
Resource PartitioningWhen 2 species occupy the same fundamental niche, they will have evolved to take advantage of different "slices" [Temporal, area or technique] of that niche [allows for co-existence]
NicheThe ecological role a species plays in a community
Keystone SpeciesA plant or animal which plays a unique and crucial role in the function of an ecosystem [a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its natural environment relative to its abundance] [Southern Cassowary travels lengthy distances spreading seeds which form the rainforest. Beavers dam rivers to make pools and wetlands that become habitats for a wide diversity of species.]