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level: General Classification

Questions and Answers List

level questions: General Classification

TaxaKingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species [Katy Perry Comes Over For Great Sex]
Binomial NomenclatureGeneric Epithet: First in name - name of genus [always capitalised] Specific Epithet: Second name - name of species [always lowercase]
Dichotomous KeyA series of paired statements or clues about features or characteristics, providing a stepwise guide toward identifying each entity
Reproduction ClassificationEgg-Laying: Oviparous [Chickens, Platypus] Egg inside mother: Oviviparous [Sharks, Fish] Live Birth: Viviparous [Humans, Elephants]
r/K Selection Theoryr-selected species: Produce a lot of young, have little parental care, reach sexual maturity early and have short gestation. [r for Rabbit or Rat] K-selected species: Produce few young, lots of parental investment/care, sexual maturity developed over longer duration [K for Kayan or Kangaroo]
Molecular ClassificationGene sequences used to classify organisms. Similar genetic sequences indicate the organisms are more closely related.
Specht's Ecosystem ClassificationMeasurement of the percent cover of the tallest stratum, using this and the type/height of the tallest stratum