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level: Level 1 of Condensed Matter Physics Part 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Condensed Matter Physics Part 1

In metals, magnetism is due todelocalised valence electrons
Magnetic susceptibility for Pauli paramagnetindependent of temperature
Why are Fe, Co, Ni ferromagnetic?Large density of states at Fermi level due to narrow energy 3-d band
For ferromagnets, spontaneous splitting of spin up and spin down bands can take place due to the internal molecular field Bmf. What are the two competing energy contributions?(i) increase in kinetic energy and (ii) decreases in potential
(Ferromagnetism) decrease in potential energy must be larger than any increase in kinetic energy when spins split, leading to......Stoner criterion U(Ef) >1. This Predicts that ferromagnetism is favoured by large Coulomb inter-action and/or high density of states at Fermi level (this is likely in transition metals).
J relation for more/less than half-filled shellJ = L+S for more J = |L-S| for less
Hund's rules(i) First maximise S by filling the positive ms side, (ii) maximise L by filling from positive biggest l downwards (iii) selecting J that gives the smallest spin orbit interaction energy (this is J = |L - S| if the band is less than half-full and J = L + S for a band more than half-full).
Order of shells in increasing l values p d f g h i
Energy of magnetic dipole in B fieldE = -µ_s . B
µ for an electron- γ l where l is the angular momentum and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio (=e/2m)
µ for spin/J angular momentumµ_(j/s) = -g_(j/s)γ * j/s In this equation it is not j divided by s it is j or s
For a nearly free electron solid what can you assume?Close to zero, electrons are free because far from the bragg condition (k+G)^2 = k^2 and because of 2nd order pertubation theory. This means E = (hbar k)^2/2m* and v_g = 1/hbar dE/dk
Relation between r^2 and <r^2> in 2Dr^2 = 2/3 <r^2>
Bohr magnetonµB = γ hbar
Diamagnetic susceptibility equationX = M/H Used to classify weakly magnetic materials (paramagnets positive, diamagnets negative)
MagnetisationNet dipole moment per unit volume Equal to change in µ * electrons/atom *atoms/volume
H for weakly magnetic solidsB = µ0 (H+M) = µ0 H
Free electron theory limitationspredicts spherical Fermi surface, when really there is distortion at boundaries from Bragg diffraction off nuclei (interference between incident and scattered)
Origin of magnetocrystalline anistropy:- crystal field effects arise due to anisotropic shape of electron orbitals - results in orbital quenching where net ang mom L = 0 - orbital quenching modifies SO interaction so Hamiltonian now dependent on crystal direction
GL theory: why does free energy only depends on even powers?- reversing direction of magnetisation vector must leave free energy unchanged - only even powers do this
Explain, using classical electromagnetic theory, the origin of diamagnetism.Electrical charges shield an interior of a body from an applied B field. When the flux through an electric circuit changings, an induced current is set up to oppose the flux change. This current persists as long as the field is present. The B field of the induced current is opposite to applied field.