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level: Level 2 (ALCOHOLS) (SLIDE 10)

Questions and Answers List


level questions: Level 2 (ALCOHOLS) (SLIDE 10)

1) Most important means of preventing transmission of infections agents 2) In 1800s there is a decrease __ if surgeons __1 Hand Washing 2 post surgical infections, wash their hands
1 What agency regulates disinfectants and sterilant? 2 What agency regulates anti septics?1 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
1 commonly used antiseptics and disinfectants 2 Antimicrobial potencies of primary alcohols increase with molecular weight until __ 3 As primary alcohol chain length increases, van der Waals interactions __ and penetrating microbial membranes __1 Ethyl and Isopropyl alcohol 2 8-carbon atom 3 increase, increases
1 In alcohols, As water solubility decreases, apparent antimicrobial potency __ with molecular weight 2 Branching of alcohols decreases __1 diminishes 2 antibacterial potency
More active than ethyl alcohol against bacterial growth, effective against spores.Isopropyl alcohol (2-propanol) used than n- propyl alcohol because it is less expensive
ALCOHOL: ETHANOL CharacteristicsClear, odorless Volatile liquid burning taste pleasant odor Flammable, miscible with water Soluble in most organic solvents Commercial: 95% ethanol by vol Product of fermentation from grain and CHO Synthetically: sulfuric-acid catalyzed hydration of ethylene
1 Commercial Ethanol contains __ by volume 2 Ethanol is a product of fermentation from __ and __ 3 Ethanol is synthetically produced through1 95% ethanol 2 Grain and CHO 3 sulfuric-acid catalyzed hydration of ethylene
1 Other names for Ethanol 2 Other names for Denatured Ethanol1 Ethyl alcohol, Wine Spirit 2 Absolute Ethanol
1 ethanol that has been rendered unfit for use in intoxicating beverages by addition of other substances. 2 contains added wood alcohol (methanol) and benzene and is unsuitable for either internal or external use. 3 ethanol treated with one or more substances so that its use may be permitted for a specialized purpose.1 Denatured alcohol 2 Completely denatured alcohol 3 Specially denatured alcohol
1 Alcohol external use 2 astringent, rubefacient, mild local anesthetic (evaporative refrigerant action when applied to skin) 3 Injected near nerves and ganglia to alleviate pain. It has a low narcotic potency and used internally in dilute form as mild sedative, a weak vasodilator and a carminative.1 antiseptic, preservative, mild counterirritant, or solvent. 2 Rubbing alcohol 3 Ethanol
1 ethanol as the sole solvent 2 hydro alcoholic mixtures 3 alcohol as co solvent1 Spirits 2 Tinctures 3 Fluidextracts
1 used safely for preoperative sterilization of the skin 2 Alcohol is __ and should be stored in __1 Concentrations above 70% (Alcohol) 2 Flammable, well-ventilated areas
1 Causes nausea, vomiting and vasodilatory flushing. 2 Ethanol using alcohol dehydrogenase is converted to __ 3 Aldehyde using aldehyde dehydrogenase is converted to __1 Acetaldehyde 2 Acetaldehyde 3 Acetate
Mode of Action of alcohol1 Denaturation 2 Disrupt Hydrogen Bonding
Contain not less than 99% w/w of C2H5OH (ethanol) Prepared commercially by azeotropic distillation of an ethanol-benzene mixture, removal of water Very high affinity water> stored in tightly sealed containersDehydrated Ethanol
1 Dehydrated Ethanol is used primarily as a __ 2 Dehydrated Ethanol is injected for local relief of pain in __ and __ 3 Cannot be ingested because of some __ 4 Dehydrated Ethanol is prepared commercially through1 chemical reagent or solvent 2 carcinomas, neuralgias 3 benzene retained. 4 Azeotropic distillation
Colorless, volatile liquid with characteristic odor and slightly bitter taste. Prepared by sulfuric-acid-catalyzed hydration of propylene.Isopropyl Alcohol synonyms: 2-propanolol, Rubbing alcohol
1 Used primarily as a disinfectant for the skin and for surgical instruments. 2 used on gauze pads for sterilization prior to hypodermic injections1 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 50%-95%: bactericidal 40% isopropyl alcohol= 60% ethanol 2 Azeotropic isopropyl alcohol, USP (Solvent and preservative)
Colorless, flammable gas that liquefies at 12˚C. Used to sterilize temperature-sensitive medical equipments that cannot be heat sterilized in autoclave Diffuses readily through porous materials and very effective destroys all forms of microorganism at ambient temp.Ethylene Oxide
1 Ethylene oxide forms explosive mixtures in air at concentrations Ranging from = ___. Explosion hazard is removed when mixed with __ 2 Ethylene Oxide Sterilization:1 3%-8% by volume, CO2 2 sealed, autoclave-like chamber or in gas impermeable bags.
1) 10% ethylene oxide and 90% CO2Carboxide
Carboxide uses1 Sterilant
1 Ethylene Oxide Mode of action 2 Ethylene Oxide is extremely __1 alkylation of functional groups in nucleic acids and proteins by nucleophilic opening of the oxide ring. 2 Toxic and carcinogenic (Nonselective)