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level questions: GLYCOSIDES

TYPES OF GLYCOSIDES1 Anthracene glycosides 2 Coumarin glycosides 3 Cyanogenic glycosides 4 Alcoholic glycosides 5 Flavonoid glycosides 6 Phenolic glycosides (simple) 7 Saponins 8 Steroidal glycosides or cardiac glycosides 9 Steviol glycosides 10 Thioglycosides 11 Steroidal saponin glycosides
1 Contains anthraquinone derivatives as their aglycone component 2 Possess: __ effect 3 Examples:1 Anthracene glycosides (anthraquinone glycosides or anthraglycosides) 2 laxative/cathartic 3 cascara, rhubarb, aloe and senna
1 Is often used for the detection of Anthracene glycosides 2 Biosynthesis of Anthracene glycosides1 Borntrager’s test 2 acetate-malonate pathway OR derived from shikimate and mevalonate
1 The aglycone is coumarin 2 Examples of this is __ which is reported to dilate the coronary arteries as well as block calcium channels. 3 It has long been known that animals fed sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis, Fabaceae) die from __ The poisonous compound responsible for this adverse effect was identified as __. 4 A number of compounds have been synthesized based on the dicoumarol structure, examples is __ which has __ effect1 Coumarin gylcosides 2 apterin (Apiaceae) 3 Hemorrhaging, dicoumarol 4 Warfarin, anticoagulant
1 the aglycone contains a cyanide group, and the glycoside can release the poisonous hydrogen cyanide if acted upon by some enzyme. 2 An example of these is __1 Cyanogenic glycosides 2 amygdalin from almonds.
Cyanogenic glycosides can be found in the __ of the __ family (including cherries, apples, plums, almonds, peaches, apricots, raspberries, and crabapples).fruits (and wilting leaves), rose
Most cyanogenetic glycosides are biosynthetically derived from the amino acids:valine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine or phenylalanine.
1 It is biosynthetically derived from phenylalanine. 2 It is biosynthetically derived from valine.1 Amygdalin in bitter almonds (Prunus amygdalus). 2 Linamarin in linseed (Linum usitatissimum)
1 There are cyanogenic glycosides in __, an important food plant and therefore has to be washed and ground under running water prior to consumption 2 __ expresses cyanogenic glycosides in its roots and thus is resistant to pests such as rootworms that plague the related maize (Zea mays L.).1 Cassava 2 Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
1 It contains free primary alcoholic group. 2 Example:__1 Alcoholic glycosides 2 Salicin found in the genus Salix (willows).
Salicin is hydrolyzed by the enzyme __ into __ and __ Oxidation of saligenin gives __emulsin saligenin (Salicyl alcohol) and glucose salicylic acid
Medicinal value of salicinanalgesic, antipyretic, and antiinflammatory effects.
1 the aglycone is a flavonoid. 2 Examples: 3 Important effects of flavonoids 4 Pharmacologic effects of flavonoids1 Flavonoid glycosides 2 Hesperidin, Naringin, Rutin, Quercetin 3 Antioxidant 4 Diuretic, Antispasmodic, Diaphoretic Increase tensile strength of capillary walls Free radical scavengers
1 aglycone is a simple phenolic structure. 2 Examples: __1 Phenolic glycosides 2 arbutin (found in bearberry) (has urinary antiseptic effect)
1 A group of plant glycosides 2 Two characteristics1 Saponins 2 They foam in aqueous solution. They cause hemolysis of red blood cells.
1 The aglycones of the saponins are collectively referred to as __ 2 The more poisonous saponins are often called __ 3 Medicinal effects of saponins 4 Saponins are found in __1 Sapogenins 2 Sapotoxins 3 Expectorant effect 4 liquorice(Glycyrrhiza) & sarsaparilla