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level: Vocab

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Vocab

adherentadhaerēns, entis
malignant skin tumor from basal layersbasaliōma, tis, n.
bilateral, on both sidesbilaterālis, e
causing cancercarcinogenēs, es
treatment by chemical substanceschēmotherapia, ae, f.
junctioncommūnicātiō, ōnis, f.
conecōnus, ī, m.
missing, defectdēfectus, ūs, m.
dilatation, wideningdīlātātiō, ōnis, f.
abnormal development of bonesdysostōsis, is, f.
embolismembolia, ae, f.
stimulatingexcitāns, antis
bleeding to deathexsanguinātiō, ōnis, f.
febrile, feverishfebrīlis, e
gradegradus, ūs, m.
grave, severegravis, e
hormonalhormonālis, e
beginning to existincipiēns, entis
infectionīnfectiō, ōnis, f.
unable to be operatedinoperābilis, e
lightlevis, e
locallocālis, e
breast excisionmastectomia, ae, f.
therapeutic, curativemedicīnālis, e
metastases (spreading of cancer)metastasēs, ium, f.
manymultiplex, icis
renal originnephrogenēs, es
hospital, hospital originnosocomiālis, e
tooth originodontogenēs, es
bone originosteogenēs, es
equal, the same levelpār, paris
fractional, partialpartiālis, e
penetratingpenetrāns, antis
perforatingperforāns, antis
the worst, very badpessimus, a, um
prematurepraecox, cis
present, actualpraesēns, entis
prediction of disease courseprognōsis, is, f. *
pubertypūbertās, ātis, f.
causing the formation of puspȳogenēs, es
not long time agorēcēns, entis
recurringrecidivāns, antis
soapsapō, nis, m.
simplesimplex, icis
inflammation of the sinusessinusītis, ītidis, f.
narrowingstēnōsāns, antis
causing labortocogenēs, es
totaltōtālis, e
abdominalabdōminālis, e
abducting, moving away from the middleabdūcēns, entis
afferent, bringing toafferēns, entis
related to alveolusalveolāris, e
aponeurosis, flat tendonaponeurōsis, is, f.
apparatusapparātus, ūs, m.
articular, relating to the jointarticulāris, e
ascendingascendēns, entis
atrioventricularātrioventriculāris, e
two-headed (muscle)biceps, ipitis (musculus)
divided into two parts/fork-shapedbifurcātus, a, um
brachialbrachiālis, e
shortbrevis, e
circulatory, related to the heart and blood vesselscardiovāsculāris, e
centralcentrālis, e
pertaining to the small braincerebellāris, e
cervical, belonging to the neckcervīcālis, e
collateralcollaterālis, e
anastomotic, forming a connectioncommunicāns, antis
complexcomplexus, ūs, m.
condylarcondylāris, e
relating to the conjunctivaconjūnctīvālis, e
descending, fallingdēscendēns, entis
distal, distant from the middle of the bodydistālis, e
dorsaldorsālis, e
efferent, taking awayefferēns, entis
extremity, tip, endextrēmitās, ātis, f.
facial, belonging to the facefaciālis, e
fascicle, a bundle of fibersfasciculus, ī, m.
fibular, relating to the calffībulāris, e
fluctuating, freefluctuāns, antis
frontal, anterior, pertaining to the foreheadfrontālis, e
genitalgenitālis, e
relating to liver and duodenumhēpatoduodēnālis, e
minimum, the lowestīmus, a, um
referring to groininguinālis, e
lying between ribsintercostālis, e
between spinesinterspinālis, e
between ventriclesinterventriculāris, e
between vertebraeintervertebrālis, e
innermostintimus, a, um
lacrimallacrimālis, e
lateral, pertaining to the sidelaterālis, e
lumbar, pertaining to groinslumbālis, e
related to the upper jawmaxillāris, e
situated towards the midline of the bodymediālis, e
metacarpal, related to hand bones behind fingersmetacarpālis, e
related to the metatarsalsmetatarsālis, e
mitralmitrālis, e
molar toothmolāris, e
molardēns molāris
soft, mildmollis, e
muscle, related to musclesmūsculāris, e
nasalnāsālis, e
occipitaloccipitālis, e
opposingopponēns, entis
related to the oral and maxillary sinusōroantrālis, e
related to the mouth and noseōronasālis, e
palmar, relating to the palm of the handpalmāris, e
palpebral, relating to the eye lidpalpebrālis, e
peduncle, an elongated stalk of tissuepedunculus, ī, m.
relating to the peritoneumperitonēālis, e
permanentpermanēns, entis
plantarplantāris, e
serous membrane in the chestpleura, ae, f.
serous membrane lining the thoracic cavitypleura parietālis
double membrane surrounding the lungspleura viscerālis/pulmonālis
part, portionportiō, onis, f.
cervix of the uterusportiō vāgīnālis cervīcis
praemolarpraemolāris, e
prominating, projectingprōminēns, entis
proximalproximālis, e
pulmonarypulmōnālis, e
radialradiālis, e
turning back to the opposite direction, returning occasionallyrecurrēns, entis
sacral, pertaining to the the sacrumsacrālis, e
scrotumscrōtum, ī, n.
semilunarsēmilūnāris, e
skeletalskeletālis, e
spacespatium, ī, n.
spinalspīnālis, e
related to the sternumsternālis, e
under the dura matersubdūrālis, e
under the tonguesublinguālis, e
superficialsuperficiālis, e
temporaltemporālis, e
thintenuis, e
round and smoothteres, etis
belonging to the shinbonetībiālis, e
triceps (three-headed)triceps, ipitis (mūsculus)
tricuspid, possessing three cuspstricuspidālis, e
trunktruncus, ī, m.
relating to the ulnaulnāris, e
umbilical, relating to the navelumbilīcālis, e
vertebralvertebrālis, e
vaginalvāgīnālis, e
relating to the cheekbone and the upper jawzygomaticomaxillāris, e
allomnis, e (gen.pl. omnium)