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level: [1] ASD 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: [1] ASD 4

english-speaking culturela cultura anglosajona
an artistun/una artista
of all kindsde todo tipo
record/cdun disco
success/hitun éxito
the fanslos fans
lyricsla letra
similarityla semejanza
music note/toneun sonido
pieceun trozo
to give an opinionpara dar una opinión
that's strange!¡qué raro!
How different!¡Qué diferente!
How great!¡Qué genial!
How cool!¡Qué guay!
How boring!¡Qué rollo!
What a shame!¡qué pena!
How foolish!¡Qué tontería!
How boring! a¡Qué aburrido!
to boreaburrir
to be passionate aboutapasionar
to feel like/wantapetecer
to cost/to find it difficultcostar
to annoy/upsetdesagradar
to exciteentusiasmar
to fascinatefascinar
to annoyfastidiar
to attract a lot of attentionllamar mucho la atención
to bothermolestar
to seem greatparecer genial
to seem hideousparecer horroroso