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level: Ethics

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Ethics

What are the 4 principles of the code of ethics and conduct from BPS 2009?Respect, competence, responsibility, and integrity
What is informed consent and how to overcome it if you don't have it?Reveling the true aims of the study and see if they say yes to taking part, children must have consent from parents. Its the best ethically If you dont have it, debrief and right to withdraw
What is retrospective consent?Is when the person takes part in the experiment and gives consent after
What is presumptive consent?Is when the experimenter thinks that you have consent due to them presuming you want to take part.
What is the right to withdraw?Even after giving consent, participants have the right to leave and for their information to not be used. They have to be made aware of this from the start
What is decpetion? and how to overcome it ?Means deliberatly misleading or withholding information. This is acceptable but providing false information isn't. To overcome, debrief and right to withdraw
What is protection from physcial and psychological harm?Participants should be no worse off when they leave the experiment as to when they arrived. No greater than what they would experience in everyday life.
What is confidentiality ?The participants personal data is protected by the data protection act both during and after the experiment. No inforamtion that is personal to be plublish, not just about a person but also about a constituion.
What is privacy?The right of individuals to decide how information about them will be communicated to others. Certain situations that are invasion of privacy may cause feelings of shame and embarrassment.
What is debrief?After completing research, the true aim is reveled to the participant. Aim of debriefing is to return the person to the state they were in before they took part.