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level: Cognitive Workload

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Cognitive Workload

Definitions of Demand and WorkloadDemand; what the task is asking of you (task demands) Workload; How you feel and manage the demands
Features of demandPace of work Difficulty of work (physical or cognitive) Complexity of work Risks and priorities
Features of workloadAvailable resources (cognitive, in the workplace) Strategy - knowledge and preferences Fatigue
Measuring demand and workloadMeasuring demand can be straightforward Workload tends to be hidden; Primary task performance (time, error). Secondary task performance (completion, time, error). Physiological measrures (cardiac, brain). Subjective scales (single dimension scale (integrated workload scale), multi dimensional scale (NASA-TLX))
Pros and cons of NASA-TXLPros and Cons
What is the NASA-TXLAsseses work load on 5, 7 point scales in terms of the forrlowing areas; Mental demand, Physical demand, Temporal demand, Performance, Effort, Frustration Multiple dimensions of workload Most common tool Used in a range of different settings