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level: 15.7 Structure of skeletal muscle

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 15.7 Structure of skeletal muscle

Muslces- Effector organs that respond to nervous stimulation by contracting and o bring about movement - Cardiac + smooth muscle is not under conscious control
3 types of muscle- Cardiac, in heart - Smooth, walls of blood vessels + gut - Skeletal, makes up bulk of body muscle in vertebrates, attached to bone, conscious control
Gross structure of skeletal muscle- Individual muscles are made up of millions of tiny muscle fibres, myofibrils - They are arranged in order to maximise its force - Muscle is composed of smaller units bundled into progressively larger ones - The seperate cells become fused together into muscle fibres - These muscle fibres share nuclei + sacroplasm
Sacroplasm meaning- Cytoplasm - Sacroplasm is mostly found around fibre - Has large conc. of mitochondria + sarcoplasmic reticulum (strores ca2+)
Types of protein filament that make up myofibrils- Actin - Myosin
Actin- Thinner, consists of 2 strands twisted around one another
Myosin- Thicker, consists of long rod-shaped tails with bulbous heads that project to the side
Another important protein found in muscle- Tropomyosin - Forms fibrous strand around actin filament
A bands and I bands- At the centre of each A band is a lighter-coloured region called the H-zone - At the centre of each I band is a line called Z-line - The distance between adjacent Z-lines is called sacromere - When muscle contracts, these sacromeres shorten + the pattern of light + dark bands changes During contration - Z lines = closer together - H zone = shortens - I band = shortens - A band = stays the same
Types of muscle fibre- Slow-twitch fibres - Fast-twitch fibres
Slow-twitch fibres- Marathon running - Less myosin filaments - Little store of myoglobin - Less powerful contractions - Aerobically respires - Good blood supply - Lots of mitochondria
Fast-twitch fibres- Sprinting/weight lifting - More myosin filaments - Large store of myoglobin - Stronger contractions - Anaerobically respires - Glycogen store
Similarities between neuromuscular junction and a synapse- Have neurotransmitters that are transported by diffusion - Have receptors, that on binding with the neurotransmitter, cause an influx of S ions - Use a S-P pump to repolarise the axon - Use enzymes to breakdown neurotransmitter
Neuromuscular junction- Only excitatory - Only links neurons to muscles - Only motor neurons are involved - The action potential ends here (it is the end of neural pathway) - Acetylcholine binds to receptors on membrane of muscle fibre
Synapse- May be excitatory or inhibitory - Links neurons to neurons, or neurons to other effector organs - Motor, sensory + intermediate neurons may be involved - A new action potential may be produced along another neuron ( postsynaptic neuron) - Acetylcholine binds to receptors on membrane of post-synaptic neuron