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level: Level 1 of Exam 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Exam 3

Plyometrics definitionpowerful movements eccentric followed by explosive concentric contraction
Main goal of Plyometricsto go through amortization phase as fast as possible
Stretch-Shortening CycleEccentric--> amortization --> concentric
Series elastic component (SEC)Tendons
Contractile componentActin/myosin/contractile unit
Parallel elastic componentConnective tissue
Rest for plyometrics (between reps, sets)5-10 secs 2-3 min
Plyometric reps for intermediate100-120 reps
Order of plyometricsleast intense-->most intense Double leg--> single
what decreases plyometric effectaerobic + heavy lifting
speed enduranceability to develop force quickly AKA power
Phases of Speed (3)1) acceleration 2) max velocity 3) sustaining max velocity (AKA speed endurance)
Factors effecting speed (3)energy systems, neuromuscular systems, technical (mechanical factors) *ALL can be improved by Sprints + Resistance Training
In sprinting mechanics, you want to increase this:Rate of Force development
In sprinting mechanics, you want to decrease this:Impulse
What is impulsechange in momentum
which is more trainable, stride length or stride frequency?Stride frequency
Most important factors of sprinting (2)?1) rate of force development 2) Proper biomechanics
Start Phasefirst 3 steps, pushing driving/head position
Acceleration phase8-10 strides, forward lean + stride frequency
Max velocity phasearm action, upright
Sustaining max velocity phasemaintain technical efficiency to finish
2 common mistakes of sprinting1) too low out of blocks 2) broken at the waist
2 parts of agility1) Change of direction ability 2)Perceptual cognitive
6 skills of perceptual cognitive1)visual scanning 2) Pattern recognition 3)anticipation 4)knowledge of situation 5)decision making 6) reaction time
training speed and agility focuses (4)1) quality over quantity 2) Proper technique 3) specificity 4) developing supportive characteristics
training goals for speed (2)1) decrease ground time 2) improve stretch shortening cycle
primary method for training sprintsProper technique
acceleration workouts10-20m sprints
max speed workouts20-60m sprints
speed endurance workouts60-150m sprints
special endurance workouts150-300m sprints
work:rest Phosphagen1:12-20 (5-10 sec @ 90-100%)
work:rest Fast glycolysis1:3-5 (15-30 sec @75-90%)
work:rest Glycolysis/oxidative1:3-4 (1-3 min @ 35-75%)
work:rest Oxidative1:1-3 (>3min @ 20-35% power)
Secondary method to strain speedResistance training (Plyometrics + strength/power lifting
Tertiary methods to train sprinting-downhill running, parachute running, woodway treadmill,
Training goals for agility (3)1) Enhance perceptual cognitive ability 2) Rapid braking 3) rapid reacceleration
training methods for agility (3)1)train speed (primary, secondary, tertiary...etc.) 2) adapting sprinting drills 3) generic/sport specific agility drills
Needs analyses parts (2)1) assessment of sport 2) assessment of athlete
Single set emphasis and who is it best forendurance + hypertrophy -Novice/intermediates
Multiple Set emphasis and who is it best forAny status and Any N.C *Single best method for periodization
Forced Reps emphasis and who is it best forHypertrophy + endurance Intermediate/advanced
Exhaustion Set emphasis and who is it best forHypertrophy + Endurance intermediate/advanced
Circuit Program emphasis and who is it best forEndurance Intermediate/advanced
Super Sets emphasis and who is it best forHypertrophy + endurance intermediate advanced..?
Negatives emphasis and who is it best forEccentric + Hypertrophy Intermediate/advanced
Split Routine emphasis and who is it best forAny neuromuscular characteristic I/A
Blitz emphasis and who is it best forAny Neuromuscular Characteristic -I/A
Super Slow emphasis and who is it best forStrength I/A
HIIT emphasis and who is it best forHypertrophy+Endurance I/A
Muscular endurance sets2-3
Muscular endurance reps>12
Muscular endurance intensity67% 1RM
Hypertrophy sets3-6
Hypertrophy reps6-12
Hypertrophy intensity67-85% 1RM
Strength Sets2-6
Strength reps<6
Strength intensity> 85% 1 RM
Peak Strength sets3-5
peak strength reps1-3
Peak Strength intensity90-95% 1 RM
Power sets (single + multiple)S: 3-5 M: 3-5
Power reps (single + multiple)S: 1-2 M: 3-5
Power Intensity (single + multiple)S: 80-90% M: 75-85%
Muscular endurance Rest<30 seconds
Hypertrophy rest30s-1.5 min
Strength rest2-5 minutes
Peak Strength Rest4-5 minutes
Power (single and multi) rests: 2-5 min m: 2-5 min
Lowest to highes intensity plyometric drills (6)Jumps in place standing jumps multiple hops and jumps bounds box drills Depth jumps
beginner plyometric volume80-100
2 faulty plyometric technique1 Knees over toes 2) Valgus knees *do 10 reps of 5 sec hold in landing position
Athletes over 22- pounds should not exceed___ depth jumps18 inch
Frequency of Resistance training in the off season4-6
Frequency of Resistance training in the Pre season3-4
Frequency of Resistance training in the in season1-3
Frequency of Resistance training in the post season0-3