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level: Quiz Hip Anatomy

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Quiz Hip Anatomy

A muscular and energetic lock in the pelvic floor is referred t as what?Mula bandha
A joint in the pelvis formed by 3 fused bonesAcetabulum
Why happens to the pubic symphysis during child birth?It becomes softer and stretches with the hormone relaxin
To engage mula bandha only (nothing else), what do you do?Engage/lift the muscle that feels like it's in between the two
What is unique about the piriformis?It's part of the muscular "back wall" of the pelvis
Why are the 6 lateral rotators of the femur called the “deep six”.They are deep in relation to the gluteus maximus
In which pose would we contract the deep six?Triangle pose, front leg
Piriformis Syndrome can be contribute or cause which conditions?SI Joint problems or sciatica
In 17% of people, the sciatic nerve runs through instead of under which muscle?Piriformis
What is the perineal body?Central tendon/mass in the middle of the pelvic floor
Why is the perineum so important?It creates a diaphragm supporting the vital organs of the pelvis and abdomen
Incontinence is a common sign of what condition?Pelvic floor dysfunction
In YOGABODY classes, rather than teaching strict mula bandha, we teach students to:Lift their pelvic floor
In Mountain Pose, if you medially rotate your legs, what happens to your pelvis?Anterior tilt
If someone has an angle of less than 120° between the shaft and head of their femur, what is likely to show up in their standing and walking pattern?Knock knees
If someone has an angle of more than 135° between the shaft and head of their femur, what might you see in their yoga practice?It might make some poses easier or more challenging
Sciatica is more common in:Women
f you had to generalize, yoga students tend toward:An anterior tilt in their pelvis
What is the Levator Ani?Group of 3 muscle fibers in the pelvic diaphragm
What is the shape of the perineum?2 triangles forming a diamond
What muscles are sometimes referred to as the rotator cuff of the hip joint?The deep six
What is a potential cause for coccydynia?Slip and fall on tailbone
The coccyx can vary person-to-person in terms of shape, angle and even in the number of vertebraeTrue
When the teacher refers to the “sitting bones,” she is referring to:The ischial tuberosity
The Ischial Tuberosity forms a tripod-like structure for sitting on the floor when combined with what other structure?The coccyx
The coccyx acts like a shock absorber for the spine and body when you sit down.True
The sacroiliac joint moves, but a healthy joint moves very little.True
Which pose puts the SI Joint at greatest risk of injury.Foot behind your head
Pelvic floor coordination, awareness and proper use are associated with:Advanced practice