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level: The Role of the Finance Function and Sources of Finance [Revise]

Questions and Answers List

level questions: The Role of the Finance Function and Sources of Finance [Revise]

What will the Role of the Finance Function include?-Make Financial Accounts that show Profits and Loses [eg] -Maintain the Financial Record of previous Interactions -Simply make Payments [Bills, Employees...] -Analyse the Performance of the Business in a Financial Way -Suggest Information that can affect Business Planning and Descions, that affects the Finance side
Why does a Business need Finance?-This is simply to Run the Business, and to Fund: -Expansion, Assets, Efficiency and New Products
What are the Factors that Influence the Choice of Finance?-How much is Needed -Why that Finance needs to be Taken Place -Legal Status the Business Obtains -Current Position the Business is in -When, and how Long the Finance is Needed for
What are Internal Sources of Finance? Give some Examples-This is getting Funds inside the Business. -These sources are usually Limited, but this ensures Control of the Business and keeps Interest Rates low -Owners' Capital, Retained Profit and Selling Unwanted Assets
What are External Sources of Finance? Give some Examples-This is getting Fund outside the Business -This can be used to get Larger Amounts of Finance, but comes with its owns Risks -Bank Overdraft, Hire Purchase, Trade Credit, Loans, Mortgage, New Share Issue and Crowdfunding
What is Owners Capital, and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-This is simply the Entrepreneur's own Savings, that is Invested in the Money, or by giving his own Assets [His Car] A: Makes a Strong Signal to Banks and other Investors A: Maximises the Control of the Business A: Interest Free D: Amount is Limited as because the Entrepreneur may just not have Enough D: Very Short Term
What is Retained Profits, and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-This is simply either Investing the Profits back In, or just Taking it for themselves A: No Interest needs to be Paid] A: Owners keep the Control of the Profits and therefore the Business D: If the Business is Suffering from Temporary Finance Problems, then it'll be Unlikely that there is Profits Retained then D: The Growth of the Business may Slow Down if its the only Source of Finance D: Shareholders in the Company may feel Upset that their Dividend Payments aren't Appreciated
What is Selling Unwanted Assets, and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-This is simply selling Assets that aren't Used, examples can be Land, Buildings, Machinery or Equipment. A: Business still has Full Ownership, and that no Finance needs to be Repaid D: Defiantly not a Long Term Finance Source as this is more of a One off Basis D: Value of the Business will Drop, as they don't owe the Asset anymore D: Depreciation is more than Likely going to happen to the Asset [Price falls over Time]
What is Trade Credit and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-Given by a Supplier of the Business, meaning that they can have the Goods now, and Pay Later A: The Business can then use the Goods in the Manufacturing Process and possibly Sell the Goods before it needs to Pay Back, Improving the Cash Flow A: Very easy to Maintain D: If Bills aren't paid on Time then Trust will Crumble and Reputation will Drop D: Risk for New Businesses as they may just Fail and Shut Down before the Supplier gets Paid, so the Supplier gets Nothing
What is a Bank Overdraft and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-Short Term Finance Source that has the Business Permission to Withdraw Funds that aren't even There, and is only used to get Temporary Amounts of Money A: If a Business is Suffering Short Term Shortage of Cash then its a Perfect Solution A: Interest is only Paid on the Amount Used A: Flexibility is Given Out D: The Bank can ask for it Back whenever it Feels Like D: Bank may Lower, or Withdraw from the Overdraft D: High Levels of Interest is Attached to this
What are Loans and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-Family or Friend may Give Money to the Business or the Owner of it A: Money is Guaranteed for that Set Amount of Time A: Banks aren't Involved so Control is still Established A: Interest Rates can be Fixed A: It can be paid not in One Go, which can Really Help a Struggling Business D: For a Loan, a Detailed Business Plan is Needed D: Some Assets may be At Risk of going Away, if a Deal was signed saying if the Business can't Repay D: Lack of Flexibility - It might not use the Full Loan Amount, but it still needs to pay the Full Amount back Regardless
What is Crowdfunding, and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-Simply a Way of Raising Money, by getting Attention to your Funding and having Small Investments, which Adds Up A: Very Cheap Source of Investment A: Large Internet Grounds, like Social Media, can be used to Attract Large Amounts of Finance, and also Update the Investors of the Progress and Benefits D: Investors want something to be Offered Back to them, meaning the Control may be Threatened D: There is a Limit of the Number of Investors, so therefore the Amount D: The Idea may just Suck and attract No One meaning a Waste of Time
What is New Share Issue and give Advantages and Disadvantages for it-LTD's may sell Shares in the Company // PLC's may give out a New Share that can be Bought for, raising Finance A: Lots of Money can be Raised A: Capital isn't a Concern A: No Interest and Dividends can just be Missed if the Profits are Low D: Control of the Company may be Threatened if someone has 50% of the Shares D: Shareholders expect Value for their Investment