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level: Adjectives 2nd

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Adjectives 2nd

publicus , publica, publicumpublic, common
aequus , aequa, aequumequal, fair, favourable, calm
altus , alta, altumhigh, deep
angustus , angusta, angustumnarrow, confined
attonitus , attonita, attonitumastonished, thunder-struck
bonus , bona, bonumgood
carus , cara, carumdear
certus , certa, certumcertain, sure, fixed
clarus , clara, clarumclear, famous, distinguished
cunctus , cuncta, cunctumall, whole
cupidus , cupida, cupidum + geneager (for), greedy
defessus , defessa, defessumtired
dexter , dextra, dextrumright, on the right, right hand
dignus , digna, dignum + ablworthy (of), deserving (of)
dirus , dira, dirumdreadful
dubius , dubia, dubiumdoubtful, wavering, uncertain
durus , dura, durumhard, harsh, rough
idoneus , idonea, idoneumsuitable, convenient
iniquus , iniqua, iniquumunfair, unjust, unfavourable
invitus , invita, invitumunwillling, reluctant
iratus , irata, iratumangry
iustus , iusta, iustumright, just, lawful, complete
laetus , laeta, laetumhappy, glad
latus , lata, latumwide, broad
lentus , lenta, lentumslow
longus, longa, longumlong
magnus , magna, magnumbig, large, great
malus , mala, malumevil, bad
medius , media, mediummiddle (of)
meus , mea, meummy
miser , misera, miserummiserable, wretched, sad
multus , multa, multummuch, many
nonnulli , nonnullae, nonnullasome, several
notus , nota, notumknown, well-known, famous
novus , nova, novumnew, fresh, recent
nullus , nulla, nullumno, none, not any
parvus , parva, parvumsmall
peritus , perita, peritum + gen or ablskilled (in)
perterritus , perterrita, perterritumvery frightened, terrified
plenus , plena, plenumfull, filled
plerique , pleraeque, pleraquemost, the majority
postremus , postrema, postremumlast
potens , potentispowerful
primus , prima, primumfirst, chief
proximus , proxima, proximumnearest, next, last
quantus? , quanta, quantumhow big? how much?
rectus , recta, rectumstraight, direct, right, proper
reliquus , reliqua, reliquumthe rest of, the other
saevus , saeva, saevumsavage, cruel
secundus , secunda, secundumfollowing, next, second, favourable
solus , sola, solumalone, only, lonely, single
stultus , stulta, stultumstupid, foolish
summus , summa, summumhighest, greatest, top (of)
superus , supera, superumupper, higher
tacitus , tacita, tacitumquiet, silent, in silence
tantus , tanta, tantumso great, such a great, so much
totus , tota, totumthe whole, entire, all
tutus , tuta, tutumsafe
ullus , ulla, ullumany
ultimus , ultima, ultimumfurthest, last, utmost
validus , valida, validumstrong, powerful
verus , vera, verumtrue, real
vetus , veterisold
vivus , viva, vivumalive, living
pauci , paucae, paucafew, a few
ceteri , ceterae, ceterathe rest, the other
liber , libera, liberumfree
sinister , sinistra, sinistrumleft, on the left, unfavourable