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level: Verbs 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Verbs 3

adimo adimere, ademi, ademptusto take away, remove
bibo bibere, bibito drink
accido accidere, accidito happen
accipio accipere, accepi, acceptusto accept, take in, receive, hear
addo addere, addidi, additusto add, join
ago agere, egi, actusto do, act, drive
amitto amittere, amisi, amissusto lose
animadverto animadvertere, animadverti, animadversusto notice, observe
arcesso arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitusto summon, send for
ascendo ascendere, ascendi, ascensusto climb, go up
aufero auferre, abstuli, ablatusto take away, carry off, steal
cado cadere, cecidi, casusto fall, perish
cano canere, cecini, cantusto sing, sound, play (of trumpets etc.)
capio capere, cepi, captus (in compounds -icio)to take, catch, capture
cedo cedere, cessi, cessusto yield, give up; (in compounds) go
cerno cernere, crevi, cretusto see, perceive, decree
cingo cingere, cinxi, cinctusto surround, enclose, gird
cognosco cognoscere, cognovi, cognitusto get to know, find out, learn
cogo cogere, coegi, coactusto force, compel, drive, assemble
colo colere, colui, cultusto cultivate, worship, honour
committo committere, commisi, commissusto commit, fight, begin (battle)
condo condere, condidi, conditusto found, establish, hide
conficio conficere, confeci, confectusto complete, wear out
consisto consistere, constiti, constitusto halt, stand, stand firm
conspicio conspicere, conspexi, conspectusto notice, observe, see
constituo constituere, constitui, constitutusto decide, establish
consulo consulere, consului, consultusto consult, consider, advise
consumo consumere, consumpsi, consumptusto eat, consume, spend
contendo contendere, contendi, contentusto hurry, march, contend, fight
corripio corripere, corripui, correptusto seize, carry off
credo credere, credidi, creditus + datto believe, trust, entrust
cupio cupere, cupivi, cupitusto desire, wish, want
curro currere, cucurri, cursusto run
decipio decipere, decepi, deceptusto deceive
defendo defendere, defendi, defensusto defend
descendo descendere, descendi, descensusto descend, come down
desino desinere, desii, desitusto cease
dico dicere, dixi, dictusto say, speak, tell
dimitto dimittere, dimisi, dimissusto dismiss, scatter
discedo discedere, discessito depart, leave
disco discere, didicito learn
divido dividere, divisi, divisusto divide, separate
duco ducere, duxi, ductusto lead, take, marry, consider
efficio efficere, effeci, effectusto carry out, accomplish
effugio effugere, effugito escape
emo emere, emi, emptusto buy
excipio excipere, excepi, exceptusto receive, take, welcome
facio facere, feci, factus (in compounds -ficioto make, do
fallo fallere, fefelli, falsusto deceive, cheat
frango frangere, fregi, fractusto break, crush
fugio fugere, fugito flee, run away (from), avoid
fundo fundere, fudi, fususto pour, shed, rout
gero gerere, gessi, gestusto bear, wear, wage war, manage
iacio iacere, ieci, iactus (in compounds -icio)to throw
incendo incendere, incendi, incensusto burn, set on fire, inflame, rouse
incipio incipere, incepi, inceptusto begin
inspicio inspicere, inspexi, inspectusto look at, inspect, examine
instruo instruere, instruxi, instructusto draw up, prepare, equip, supply
intellego intellegere, intellexi, intellectusto understand, perceive, realise
interficio interficere, interfeci, interfectusto kill
iungo iungere, iunxi, iunctusto join, unite, fasten
laedo laedere, laesi, laesusto hurt, injure, harm
lego legere, legi, lectusto read, choose
mitto mittere, misi, missusto send, throw, let go
neglego neglegere, neglexi, neglectusto neglect, disregard
novi notus (perfect with present meaning)to know
occido occidere, occidi, occisusto kill
omitto omittere, omisi, omissusto neglect, disregard, make no mention of
opprimo opprimere, oppressi, oppressusto overwhelm, crush, weigh down
ostendo ostendere, ostendi, ostentusto show, point out, indicate
parco parcere, peperci + datto spare
pario parere, peperi, partusto bear (a child), win, acquire, gain, secure
pello pellere, pepuli, pulsusto push, drive, rout
perdo perdere, perdidi, perditusto destroy, lose
perficio perficere, perfeci, perfectusto bring about, complete, perfect
permitto permittere, permisi, permissusto hand over, entrust, permit, allow
peto petere, petivi, petitusto seek, ask for, make for, attack
pono ponere, posui, positusto put, place, set up (camp)
posco poscere, poposcito demand, ask for
praeficio praeficere, praefeci, praefectusto put in charge (of)
procedo procedere, processito advance, proceed
prodo prodere, prodidi, proditusto betray, surrender
promitto promittere, promisi, promissusto promise
quaero quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitusto search for, ask for, ask, inquire
rapio rapere, rapui, raptusto seize, grab, carry off, plunder
recipio recipere, recepi, receptusto regain, receive, welcome
reddo reddere, reddidi, redditusto give back, restore, hand over, make
reficio reficere, refeci, refectusto repair, restore, refresh
rego regere, rexi, rectusto rule, direct
relinquo relinquere, reliqui, relictusto leave, leave behind, abandon
resisto resistere, restiti + datto resist, oppose
rumpo rumpere, rupi, ruptusto break, burst, break through
scribo scribere, scripsi, scriptusto write
sino sinere, sivi, situsto allow, permit
solvo solvere, solvi, solutusto loose, pay
sperno spernere, sprevi, spretusto despise, reject, scorn
statuo statuere, statui, statutusto fix, determine, decide, arrange
sumo sumere, sumpsi, sumptusto take, take up
surgo surgere, surrexito get up, stand up, rise
suscipio suscipere, suscepi, susceptusto take up, undertake, begin, bear
tango tangere, tetigi, tactusto touch
tego tegere, texi, tectusto cover, protect, hide
tollo tollere, sustuli, sublatusto raise, lift up, remove, destroy
trado tradere, tradidi, traditusto hand over, entrust, hand down, surrender
traho trahere, traxi, tractusto pull, drag, draw
veho vehere, vexi, vectusto carry, bear, convey
verto vertere, verti, versusto turn
vinco vincere, vici, victusto conquer, defeat, win, be victorious
vivo vivere, vixito live, be alive, (+ abl) live on
adipiscor adipisci, adeptus sumto obtain
aggredior aggredi, aggressus sumto attack, approach
egredior egredi, egressus sumto go out, come out
ingredior ingredi, ingressus sumto enter, undertake
labor labi, lapsus sumto glide, slip, fall
loquor loqui, locutus sumto speak, talk
morior mori, mortuus sumto die
nascor nasci, natus sumto am born
obliviscor oblivisci, oblitus sumto forget
patior pati, passus sumto suffer, endure, allow
proficiscor proficisci, profectus sumto set out, depart
progredior progredi, progressus sumto advance, proceed
queror queri, questus sumto complain
regredior regredi, regressus sumto go back, return
sequor sequi, secutus sumto follow, pursue, attend
utor uti, usus sum + ablto use, enjoy
fido fidere, fisus sum + dat or ablto trust, rely upon