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level: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

What is Sexual Reproduction?-This is when Genetic Information from 2 Parents [Mom and Dad] is Combined to make an Offspring, which is Genetically Different from both Parent -Pretty much the Sperm and Egg combine, so the DNA from both Combines
What is Gametes? What's Special about them?-Simply Sex Cells, or just Sperm and Egg cells -They only have Half the Number of Chromosomes [23] which gives them a name, Haploid
How many Chromosomes are in a Normal Human Cell?-46 -This gives them the name, Diploid
What exactly happens in Fertilisation, in terms of Gametes? How does it become an Embryo?-The Male Gamete [Sperm] fuses with the Female Gamete [Egg] to make a Fertilised Egg, and this Egg will have a Full Set of Chromosomes, making it Diploid -This Egg then becomes an Embryo through the use of Mitosis
What does the Embryo Inherit?-It Inherits the Characteristics from Both Parents due to it gaining a Mixture of Chromosomes from Both Parents
What is Meiosis and why is it Different to Mitosis?-Meiosis is simply a Type of Cell Division -Its Special difference, is that it doesn't make Identical Cells, and that it makes 4 -It also only happens Reproductive Organs, so the Ovaries and the Testes
What happens in Meiosis [Division 1]-Before the Cell divides, it first Duplicates its DNA, to make sure there's enough for the New Cell, so One Arm of each X Shaped, is an Identical of the Other Arm -It then Lines up in Pairs in the Centre of the Cell. One of the Chromosomes in the Pair came from the Organisms Mother, and one came from the Father -The Pairs are then Pulled Apart, so now the new Cells have only 1 Copy of each Chromosome, so its still a Diploid Cell -Remember, the New Cells will still have the Mixture of the Mothers and Fathers Chromosomes, and this is Important because Genetic Variation can then Occur in the Offspring
What happens in Meiosis [Division 2]-The Chromosomes, again, Line up in the Centre of the Cell, but the Arms of the Chromosomes get Pulled Apart, same way as Mitosis -This now makes 4 Haploid Cells, each having a Single Set of Chromosomes, and all being Genetically Different