Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Identify the highlighted structureCornea
Identify the highlighted structureSclera
Identify the highlighted structureOptic nerve
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary body
Identify the highlighted structureLens
Identify the highlighted structureOptic disc
Identify the highlighted structureSclera
Identify the highlighted structureRetina
Identify the highlighted structure (blue)Tapetum lucidum
Identify the highlighted structureOrbicularis oculi muscle
Identify the highlighted structurePalpebral conjunctiva
Identify the highlighted structureCornea
Identify the highlighted structurePalpebral fissure
Identify the highlighted structureBulbar conjunctiva
Identify the highlighted structureLacrimal sac
Identify the highlighted structureLacrimal caruncle
Identify the highlighted structureLacrimal gland
Identify the highlighted structureLacrimal punctum
Identify the highlighted structureLacrimal canaliculus
Identify the highlighted structureNasolacrimal duct
Identify the highlighted structureMedial rectus muscle
Identify the highlighted structureInferior rectus muscle
Identify the highlighted structureInferior oblique muscle
Identify the highlighted structureSuperior oblique muscle
Identify the highlighted structureSuperior rectus muscle
Identify the highlighted structureLateral rectus muscle
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary body
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary muscle
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary process
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary zonule
Identify the highlighted structureCornea
Identify the highlighted structureIris
Identify the highlighted structurePupil
Identify the highlighted structureAnterior segment
Identify the highlighted structureAqueous humor
Identify the highlighted structureLens
Identify the highlighted structurePosterior segment
Identify the highlighted structureVitreous humor
Identify the highlighted structureSclera
Identify the highlighted structureChoroid
Identify the highlighted structureRetina
Identify the highlighted structureMacula lutea
Identify the highlighted structureFovea centralis
Identify the highlighted structureOptic nerve
Identify the highlighted structureOptic disc
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary body
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary muscle
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary processes
Identify the highlighted structureRetina
Identify the highlighted structureChoroid
Identify the highlighted structureSclera
Identify the highlighted structureLens
Identify the highlighted structureCiliary zonule
Identify the highlighted structureEmmetropic eye
Identify the highlighted structureMyopic eye
Identify the highlighted structureNearsighted
Identify the highlighted structureHyperopic eye
Identify the highlighted structureFarsighted
Identify the highlighted structurelong
Identify the highlighted structureshort
Identify the highlighted structureconcave
Identify the highlighted structureConvex