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Questions and Answers List


If the patient is standing for long periods of time, there will be a further 1)_______ in venous pressure → result to 2)_______ of veins leading to → non-closure of leaflets → incompetent valves1) increase in VP 2) overstretching of veins
In general, the 1) _________ the compliance of each vascular segment, the 2)________ the velocity of pressure pulse transmission.1. the greater the compliance 2. the slower the velocity
the pulse pressure in the aorta is progressively diminished due to two factors:1. resistance to blood movement in the vessel 2. vessel compliance
Blood from all systemic veins flows into the 1)________ of the heart; therefore, the pressure in the chamber is called the 2)_____________1. right atrium 2. central venous pressure
Central venous pressure (CVP) is the direct estimate of the 1) ________ and the normal value is 2)________1. RAP 2. 0 mmHg
2 determinants of CVP:1. Ability of the heart to pump out blood out of right atrium and right ventricle into the lungs. 2. Tendency for blood to flow from the peripheral veins into the right atrium.
What happens when there is an inability of the heart to pump out blood going into the lungs? (like in the case of serious right-sided heart failure)There will be damming (obstruction) of blood in the venous system
when there is damming of blood in the venous system (like in right-sided heart failure):will increase the central venous pressure
What happens when there is a decrease in blood flow from the peripheral veins into the right atrium? (like in the case of hemorrhage)This will result to decreased central venous pressure
a decreased CVP will lead to 1)__________ venous return and 2)________ resistance1 & 2: decreased
an increase in blood volume will _______ the CVPincrease CVP increased BV -> increased VR -> increased blood delivered to the RA -> increased CVP
vigorous pumping of blood during exercise will lead to _______ CVPdecreased CVP
when the sympathetic stimulation is activated, the CVP will ___________increased sympathetic actvation → vasoconstriction → increased pressure → increased venous return → increased CVP
severe hemorrhage will lead to _________ CVPdecreased CVP
when there is arteriolar dilation, the CVP will _________-increase dilated arteriolar vessels
There will be _______ CVP in pregnancy and tumorsdecreased CVP
Characterized by large, bulbous protrusions of the veins beneath the skin.varicose veins
If the patient is standing for long periods of time, there will be a further 1)_______ in venous pressure → result to 2)_______ of veins leading to → non-closure of leaflets → incompetent valves1) increase in VP 2) overstretching of veins