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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Where is the liver located?Inferior to the diaphragm, covering most of the upper right quadrant.
How much blood is deliver to the liver every minute by the portal vein and the hepatic portal artery?Approx. 1500mL.
True or False: The liver is located in the upper right quadrant, inferior to the diaphragm.True.
True or False: Appox. 1500mL is delivered to the liver every minute.True.
True or False: The hypothalamus, contains two appetitive centers that affect eating.True.
What portion of the brain, contains two appetite centers that affect eating.Hypothalamus.
List the following nursing interventions for barium swallow and gastrografin:NPO after midnight. Increase fluid intake.
List the following interventions for examination of stool for occult blood:Instruct patient to keep the stool and specimen free of urine or toilet paper. Patient should not eat any organ meat for 24 to 48 hours before a guaiac test.
List the following nursing interventions for colonoscopy:Informed consent is necessary. Clear liquid diet 1-3 days, then NPO 8 hours before procedure. Monitor for evidence of bowel perforation i.e abdominal pain, tenderness, excessive rectal bleeding. Monitor the patient for hypovolemic shock.
True or False: The patient is examined for O&P if suspected of a parasitic infection.True.
What is is O&P?Ova and parasites.
Feces (stool) can be examined for what type of presence?Bacteria. Ova. Parasites.
True or False: Dental decay is an erosive process that results from action of bacteria on carbohydrates in the mouth, which turns produce acids that dissolved tooth enamel.True.
List the follow causes of dental decay:- Dental plaque. - Strength of acid and the ability of saliva to neutralize them. - Length of the time acid are in contact with the teeth. - Susceptibility of the teeth to decay.
Where does cancer of the lip occurs most?As a chronic ulcer of the lower lip in men over the age of 50.
Who are most pronged to get oral cancer?People who have history of tobacco use and exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV). People who are heavy drinkers.
Medical Management of Oral CavityPg. 181.
True or False: Heartburn is often described as a substernal or retrosternal bring sensation that tends to radiate upward and may involve the neck, the jaw, or the back.True.
What drug increase peristalsis and therefore promote gastric emptying and reduce the risk of gastric acid reflux?Promotility agents.
Nursing interventions for Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseasePg.184
True or False: Early esophageal cancer typically has no symptoms, and making early diagnosis difficult.True.
List the following postoperative nursing interventions for the patient experiencing esophageal surgery:- Promote good pulmonary ventilation. - Maintain chest drainage system as prescribed. - Maintain gastric drainage system. - Maintain nutrition.
What subjective data should you observe when patient has gastritis?Anorexia. Nausea. Discomfort after eating. Pain.
What objective data should you observe when patient has gastritis?Vomiting. Hematemesis (vomiting blood). Melena.
Peptic ulcers most commonly occur where?Stomach (gastric ulcer). Duodenum (duodenal ulcer).
True or False: The most common cause of peptic ulcer disease includes the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria in the stomach, regularly taking NSAIDs, smoking or chewing tobacco, and excessive alcohol intake.True.
True or False: Having a bright red blood or a "coffee grounds" appearance can occur during a GI bleed when a patient who is diagnosed with hematemesis and melena.True.
True or False: Preformation is considered the most lethal complications of peptic ulcer.True.
List primary treatment for peptic ulcers.Histamine receptor blockers.
List the following histamine receptor blockers:Cimetidine. Ranitidine. Famotine. Nizatidine.
True or False: Do not give histamine receptor blockers within 2 hours of antacids.True.
Nursing intervention of Peptic Ulcer Disease.Pg.189
List the following purposes of nasogastric intubation:- Decompression. - Feeding (gavage). - Compression. - Lavage.
List a nursing intervention for a patient with a GI tube:Implement frequent position changes to enhance tube functioning and prevent complication of immobility.
True or False: Implementing frequent position changes can prevent complications of immobility and enhance tubing functions.True.
True or False: Dumpling syndrome is a rapid gastric emptying of undigested food from the stomach to the small intestine causing distention of the duodenum of jejunum.True.
Dumpling syndrome.Pg. 196
True or False: Antidiarrheal should be giving when patient has an infection like E. coli.False.
True or False: Up to 90% percent of the digestion takes place in the small intestine.True.
List the following major functions of the large intestine:- Completion of the absorption of water. - Manufacture of certain vitamins ( such as vitamins K and B7). - Formation and expulsion of feces
List some of the following functions of the liver:- Managing blood coagulation. - Detoxifying poisons. - Filtering out old RBCs and bacteria.
True or False: Three consecutive stools are tested for occult blood?True.
How often should a colonoscopy should be done?Every 5 years.
True or false: Dental decay is an erosive process that is results from the action of bacteria on carbohydrates in the mouth.True.
List the two type of cancers of the lip that are usually seen:Basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma.
List a patient teaching for some w/ GERD:- Remain upright for 1 to 2 hours after meals if possible, and never eat in bed.
What noninvasive test is used to dented H. pylori?Breath test.
What medication is use for gastrointestinal disorder?Omeprazole (Prilosec).
List some of the following treatments for dumping syndrome:Eating six small meals daily that are high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates. Avoid fluids during meals. Eat slowly.
What are you assessing when a patient as GI infection?Fluid imbalance, including - Postural changes in blood pressure - Skin turgor - Mucous membrane hydration - Urinary output.
List the following nursing intervention for celiac disease:Gluten-free diet.
True or False: A patient with severe ulcerative colitis, may lose sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and calcium ions.True.
Where does Crohn’s disease most commonly occur?In the terminal ileum and proximal colon.
True or False: Crohn’s disease can occur anywhere in the GI tract from the mouth to the anus.True.
Nursing intervention for Crohn’s disease:Pg. 207
True of False: If diverticulosis and diverticulitis goes untreated, septicemia and septic shock can develop.True.
What is recommended to prevent diverticular disease?A high fiber diet. Decrease in fat and red meat.
List some nursing interventions and patient teaching for peritonitis:- Place patient on bed rest in semi-Fowler’s position to help localize purulent exudate in lower abdomen or pelvis. - Encourage deep-breathing exercises. - Monitor fluid and electrolyte replacement. - Give oral hygiene.
True or False: The hernia is strangulated when it occludes blood supply and intestinal flow.True.
List some of the following nursing interventions and patient teaching for hernia:- Patient should deep breathe every 2 hours - Teach patient to splinting the area w/ pillow or pad, helps relieve pain
True or False: The major processes of digestion and absorption take place in the small intestine.True.
True or False: The large intestine is responsible for preparation and evacuation of feces.True.
What is the discoloration of body tissues caused by abnormally high blood levels if bilirubin.Jaundice.
True or False: Jaundice is the yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and clear of the eyes, caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the serum.True.
What is the accumulation of fluid and albumin in the peritoneal cavity?Ascites.
What is hypoalbuminemia?Reduced protein or albumin levels in the blood.
True or false: Hypoalbuminemia is reduced protein or albumin levels in the blood.True.
True or False: Eliminating alcohol, hepatotoxicins, or environmental exposure to harmful chemicals is essential to prevent further damage to the liver.True.
True or False: Asterixis is a hand-flapping tremor.True.
What type of brain damage cause by liver disease and consequent ammonia intoxication?Hepatic encephalopathy.
True or False: The pancreas, colon, stomach, breath and the lungs are common primary sites of cancer that metastasize to the liver.True.
What is Hepatitis A?A spread by direct contact through oral-fecal route, usually by food or water contaminated with feces.
Whats is Hepatitis B?Is transmitted by contaminated serum is blood transfusions,contaminated needles, and by direct contact by body fluids ie. breast milk and sexual contact.
Whats is Hepatitis C?Is transmitted through needlesticks, blood transfusions, illicit IV drug use, and unidentified means.
What is Hepatitis E?Is transmitted by the oral-fecal route; it spread through the contamination of water.
What is the most common environmental risk factor for pancreatic cancer?Cigarette smoking.
What is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the United States and Canada?Pancreatic cancer.
What are linked to pancreatic cancer?Diets high in red meats and pork. Fat. Coffee.
True or False: Obesity, genetics and being an African American male increase risk of developing pancreatic cancer.True.
What are the most common factors associated with pancreatitis?Alcoholism and biliary tract diease.
True or False: Alcoholism and biliary tract disease are the two factors most commonly associated with pancreatitis.True.
What are the major postoperative complications for liver transplantation?Rejection and Infection.
What is the inflammation of the gallbladder?Cholecystitis.
What is the presence of the gallstones in the gallbladder.Cholelithiasis.
What can be cause by an obstruction, a gallstone, a non functioning gallbladder, or a tumor?Cholecystitis.
What two surgical procedures are use to remove the gallbladder?laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Open abdominal cholecystectomy.
True or False: Be alert to the signs and symptoms of drug toxicity, even when drugs are administered in normal doses; deceased metabolism in the liver can cause accumulation of the drugs.True.