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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

List the following critical functions of the blood:Transports oxygen and nutrition to cells. Regulates the acid-base balance pH. It prefects the body against infection.
True or False : RBC is the major cellular element of the circulating blood.True.
What substance in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the cells and carbon dioxide away from the cells to the lungs?Hemoglobin Hbg.
What is the lifespan of an RBC?120
What is the life span of WBC?Several days to several years.
List the following risk factors of having low Hgb:Less oxygen transported to cells. Slower breakdown and use of nutrients by cells. Less energy production. Decrease cellular function.
The process in which the body arrests the flow of blood and prevent hemorrhage.Hemostasis.
What are the actions that take place during Hemostasis?Vessel spasm. Platelet plug formation. Clot formation.
True or False: Genetics determines blood group or type.True.
True or False: Anemia is a condition which there is a below-normal about of RBCs causing decrease in Hgb and Hct.True
List the some of the following causes of Anemia:Pg. 263
List the following signs and symptoms of Anemia:Pg. 263
What is the process by which bacteria, cellular debris, and solid particles are destroyed and removed.Phagocytosis.
An increase in immature neutrophils indicates what?An overwhelming bacterial infection.
B and T cells fit under which classifcation?Lymphocytes.
What are WBCs that may be divided into two groups: T cells and B cells?Lymphocytes.
What is released by the basophils during the invasion of an allergen?Histamine.
The presence of excess band in the peripheral blood that indicate severe infection is calls:Shift to the left.
What is the normal reading 24 hours after the administration of radioactive vitamin B12?8% to 40%.
Where are erythrocytes continuously produced, in an adult?Red bone marrow.
What is a biconcave disk with no nucleus; it contains cytoplasm and hemoglobin, which give blood its rich red color?Erythrocytes.
What are the normal values of eosinophils?1% to 4%.
What are WBCs that play a role in allergic reactions and are effective agaisnt certain parasitic worms?Eosinophils.
List a following teaching plan for a patient with Hgb of 8.4mg?Alternate activity with resting periods; need to conserve energy.
List a patient teaching when giving oral liquid iron?Should be drunk through a straw to prevent tooth staining.
When dealing with a patient with sickle cell crisis, what should be the primary focus of care?Pain control.
Long bone pain is the result of what?Bone marrow that is congested with immature white cells.
What is required before a patient undergo a bone marrow transplant?Total body irradiation, to kill off marrow cells.
True or False: Children with leukemia should have an annual influenza vaccine and a pneumococcal every 5 years.True.
When caring for a patient with multiple myeloma, you should:Supervise and assisted with ambulation.
What is positron emission tomography PET ordered to do?Determine the extent of possible metastasis.
True or False: Peripheral smear allows the study of the size, structure, and shape of RBCsTrue.
Repeated phlebotomies and medications such as busulfan are the typical medical treatment of polycythemia vera in order to:Inhibit bone marrow activity.
What type of blood transfusions would a Jehovah's Witness faith accept?Autologous blood transfusion.
What is the lifespan of a RBC?120 days.
What is the lifespan of WBC?Several years.
What is the lifespan of platelets?5 to 9 days.
True or false: Recombinant factor VIII and IX have been mojor forward steps in the treatment of hemophilia.True.
What is the preferred site for bone marrow aspiration puncture in adults?Posterior iliac crest.
What replaces iron stored needed for red blood cell production?Ferrous sulfate.
What type of leukocytes destroy and remove cellular waste, bacteria, and solid particles?Neutrophils.
What are the two types of reactions that can occur?Agglutination. Hemolysis.
True or False: The lymphatic system is a subdivision of the cardiovascular system.True.
List the following basic functions of the lymphatic system:Maintenance of the fluid balance. Productions of lymphocytes. Absorption and transportation of lipids from intestine to the bloodstream.
True or False: Night sweats, weight loss, and fever, are referred to as "B" symptoms.True.
True or False: The cervical lymph nodes are the affected first.True.
What disease has no major risk factors but, occurs more frequently in people who have had mononucleosis.Hodgkin's lymphoma.
True or False: Hodgkin's Lymphoma affects male twice as frequently as females.True.
List following nursing interventions for lymphedema:Good skin care. Avoiding injury. Inspecting the skin daily. Emotional support. Elevation of extremities while asleep. Low sodium diet. Elastic sleeves or stocking.
A primary or secondary disorder characterized by the accumulation of lymph in soft tissue and edema; also my be hereditary.Lymphedema.
List the following nursing interventions for multiple myeloma:Encourage ambulation. Adequate hydration. Teach patient how to avoid traumatic bone and injury and infection.
True or False: Weight bearing helps the bones reabsorb some calcium, and dilute calcium and prevents protein precipitates from causing renal tubular obstruction.True.
List side effects of chemotherapy:Pain. Alopecia. Infection. Nausea and vomiting.
True or False: Vertebral destruction can lead to collapse of vertebrae with ensuing compression of the spinal cord.True.
True or False: Multiple myeloma is a malignant neoplastic disease of the bone marrow.True.
List the following nursing interventions for hemophilia:Do not give aspirin. Apply pressure and cold to the site.
True or False: Hemophilia affects mainly males; females are typically the carriers.True.
List following medications with thrombocytopenic effects:Aspirin. Furosemide. Ibuprofen. Penicillin.
True or False: Hemophilia is a hereditary coagulation disorders that is characterized by the absence of certain blood-clotting factors.True.
List the following nursing interventions for thrombocytopenia:Avoid trauma. Maintain high-fiber diet. Use soft toothbrush. Blow the nose gently.
True or false: Corticosteroids may help the disorder -Thrombocytopenia- if related to an autoimmune problem.True.
True or false: Approximately 1g of every 10 to 20mg of iron is ingested in the duodenum.True.
When administering iron remember:Check for constipation or diarrhea. If liquid iron, use straw to avoid straining teeth. Do not administer with antacids. Do not double dose, if dose is missed.
What is the most common cause of increased destruction of platelets?Thrombocytopenic purpura.
True or false: Thrombocytopenia is a deficiency in the number of circulating platelets or chance in the function of platelets alters the process of coagulation.True.
List the following signs of hypovolemia:Confusion. Anxiety. Rapid breathing. Tachycardia.
Where is the thymus located?The mediastinum.
Where do the thymus function?In utero and for a few months after birth to held develop the immune system.
What do lymph nodes do?Help fight off infection by filtering foreign material.
When assessing a patient with anemia, complaints commonly includes:Weakness. Dyspnea. Fatigue. Vertigo. Anorexia. Dyspepsia.
Where are lymph nodes located?Axilla - armpit. Abdomen, thorax - chest. Cervical - neck. Inguinal - groin.
What do the tonsils contain to protect the body lungs against mircroorganism?Lymphocytes and macrophages.
Where is the spleen located?Upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity.
What do the lymphatic system consist of?Lymph vessels. Lymph nodes.
The collected of foreign matter, such as bacteria, cause the lymph node to:Become swollen during an infection.
A complete blood count -CBC includes:Red and white cell count. Hematocrit and Hemoglobin levels. Differential white blood count.
True or false: The average size, or volume of a single RBC is referred to as the mean corpuscular volume - (MCV)True.
What allows the examination of the size, shape, and structure of individual blood cells and platelets.Peripheral blood smear.
What test is used to diagnose pernicious anemia?Schilling test.
Radiologic studies such as CT and MRI are used to evaluate what?Spleen. Liver. Lymph nodes.