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level: Training and Development

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Training and Development

What exactly is Training?-Simply the act to expand you Knowledge and Skill set of the Workforce, for the result of a more Effective Output
What is Induction Training?-This is the Training that an Employee gets when Joins the Business anew.
Why is Induction Training important?-The New Employee can be as Productive as possible, very quickly -The New Employee with Induction Training can mean Less Mistakes are made, as they know What to do, and Where everything is
What would Induction Training include?-Learn what is to do -Meeting your Colleagues -How the Business is set out -Learn the Values and Aims of the Business -Know about what the Internal Workings, and Polices of the Business
What is Off-Job Training?-This is when Employees are taken Away from their Work space, to be Trained [College]
Advantages of Off Job Training?-Qualifications or new Range of Skills can be Obtained -Learn from Outside Experts, who could bring something new -More Confidence is gained -No Interruptions can take place; they are away -Motivation and maybe Retention can Improve
Disadvantages of Off job Training?-Can be Very Expensive -Working Time and Output is lost -Those new Qualifications and Skills can be used to get a Better Job
What is On the Job Training?-Employee gets Training, inside the Work place
What is Informal Training?-This is an Observation on how a Job is Done, in which the Observer already known how the Job is Done. -Computer Programs can show this as well
Advantages of On the Job Training?-Cost effective; Staff stays In the Business to do Training -Employees are Productive -While learning, they can do -They can gain First Hand Experience by their Collegagues
Disadvantages of On the Job Training?-The Quality is dependent on the Trainer, and the Time -Bad Habits could be passed down -The Best Training may not happen in that Learning Environment -Interruptions can happen, taking Employees away from Training.
Explain Staff Development-Since change is Very Fast, Businesses have an idea of Staff Development -Training is given to Employees in their Career, which is Based on the Needs for the Employee, and the Business -The Training can be Management, or Employees lead it. This can be known as an Appraisal or Performance Review
What are some of the Staff Development Opportunities?-Vocational Qualifications: Employee gains Knowledge and Skills that is needed for the National Occupational Standards [NOS] to perform a Job -Academic Qualifications: Gain a Degree -Apprenticeship: A Certain type of Training for an Employee new to Trade or Profession. This involves On the Job Training, along side Study working to get a Professional Qualifications.
What are some of the Factors, that affect the Choice of Training?-Type of Job -Budget -Time available -Resources in the Business -Employees Needs; Business Objectives.
What are the Benefits of Training?-Better Quality Work -Motivation -Better Customer Service -Better Productivity -Less Supervision -Quicker to Recruit and Retain -Can Adapt to Technological Changes
Training in New Technologies -Types? -Costs? -Benefits?-Type, Formal Training: Training done by the Supplier of the New Technology. This is very Common -Type, Informal Training: Training done by a Member of Staff, who already has had prior Training, and can show Workers what do with it -Costs: This training is going to Cost. Directly [Buying the Equipment] and Indirectly [Covering for Absence] Staff could also Resist to the Change, but this can be Overdone by doing Regular Training on Technology -Benefits: New Technology Knowledge can increase the Effectiveness of the Employee. Better Trained Staff equals Consistent Good Quality equals Cheaper to make equals Better Pricing for the Market, but still having the Quality