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level: Group 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 3

CoercionThe practice of persuading people to do something with the force of threats, Duress
Discomfitmake feel uneasy or embarrassed
DissentOpposing the official policy
DistillExtract the essential meaning or the main aspects of
FallibleCapable of making mistakes
IntricateVery complex or complicated
FloridExcessively intricate or elaborate, occurring in a fully developed form(of a disease)
GawkyNervously awkward or ungainly
InveigleCajole, lure
JettisonAbandon or discard
ParochialHaving a limited or narrow outlook or scope, narrow-minded
PedestrianLacking inspiration or excitement
RadicalRelating to the fundamental nature of something
RecrudesceTo break out, recur
TemporalTime-related, Non-spiritual; temples of the head
TransitoryNot permanent
ViableCapable of working successfully, feasible
AbreastSide by side facing the same way, alongside, up-to-date
Digressiondeviation, detour, diversion
DiscrepancyDifference or inconsistency between 2 things
ExpedientSuitable or convenient, a means of attaining an end, one that is convenient but immoral
FabricateInvent in order to deceive
GlumDejected, gloomy, dull, morose
Intrinsicinborn, belonging naturally
LargesseGenerosity, money or gifts given generously
MalfeasanceWrong doing
ModishFollowing the currently fashionable or popular
NascentJust came into existence and beginning to show future potential