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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

All genes are located on chromosomeschromosome theory of inheritance
locusPhysical location of a genes
heterozygous genotype for the gene at that locusA diploid cell that has two different alleles at a given genetic locus is a
homozygousA diploid cell that has two identical alleles at a given genetic locus is
sex chromosomes vs autosomeschromosomes that determine sex vs reg chromosomes
XX XYFemale chromosomes, vs male
a y (male) gene known as: SRY genegene that causes other genes located on autosomes to produce male sexual characteristics
crossing overreciprocal exchange of segments of nonsister chromatids in prophase I of meiosis
independent assortment of chromosomescreates new combinations of alleles through the random distribution
genetically linkedGenes that are inherited together
genetic locineighbors or positioned close to each other on the same chromosome
pedigreechart that shows genetic relationships among family members
mendelian traitsinherited in a pattern that can predicted on the basis of Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
genetic carriersIndividuals that are heterozygous for a recessive disorde
sex-linkedGenes found only on the X or Y chromosome are said to be
~ 1,100There are ___ X-linked genes in humans; the Y chromosome has very few genes.
Males____can't be heterozygous for and X-linked genes because Y chromosome does not have a copy of recessive disorders
Males_____are more likely to get recessive X-linked disorders.
chromosomal abnormalitychange in the number or structure of chromosomes is considered a
deletionwhen a piece of a chromosome breaks off and is lost.
inversionwhen a fragment of a chromosome breaks off and returns to the correct place, reverses genetic loci
translocationwhen a broken piece from one chromosome becomes attached to a different, nonhomologous chromosome.
duplicationtype of chromosomal abnormality in which a chromosome becomes longer because it ends up with two copies
trisomy (down syndrome, Dr John Langdon Down)when a person inherits three copies of chromosomes 21
Turner syndrome(female phenotype, sterility, short stature), Klinefelter syndrome (mainly male phenotype, tall stature, reduced fertility)Changes in sex chromosomes: XO, XXY