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level: Nouns 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Nouns 1

ancilla ancillae, fslave-girl, slave-woman
cena cenae, fdinner, meal
dea deae, fgoddess
filia filiae, fdaughter
amica amicae fgirl-friend, female friend
aqua aquae, fwater
aquila aquilae, feagle, standard
ara arae, faltar
causa causae, fcause, reason, case
causa + genfor the sake of
copiae copiarum, f pltroops, forces, supplies
culpa culpae, ffault, blame
cura curae, fcare, charge, anxiety
dextra dextrae, fright hand, right side
divitiae divitiarum, f plriches, wealth
epistula epistulae, fletter
fama famae, frumour, fame, glory
familia familiae, ffamily, household
femina feminae, fwoman
flamma flammae, fblaze, flame, passion
fortuna fortunae, ffate, luck, fortune (good or bad)
fuga fugae, fflight, escape
gratia gratiae, ffavour, thanks, esteem
hasta hastae, fspear
hora horae, fhour
iniuria iniuriae, finjustice, injury, wrong
inopia inopiae, fshortage, lack, poverty
insidiae insidiarum, f plambush, trap, trick
insula insulae, fisland, block (of apartments)
ira irae, fanger
littera litterae, f (usually pl. with sg. meaning)letter
mora morae, fdelay
natura naturae, fnature
nauta nautae, msailor
opera operae, fwork, effort, attention, trouble
ora orae, fcoast
patria patriae, fhomeland, native land
pecunia pecuniae, fmoney
poena poenae, fpunishment, penalty
porta portae, fgate
praeda praedae, fbooty, plunder
provincia provinciae, fprovince
puella puellae, fgirl
pugna pugnae, ffight, battle
regina reginae, fqueen
ripa ripae, fbank
sapientia sapientiae, fwisdom, good sense
sententia sententiae, fopinion, judgement, sentence
silva silvae, fwood, forest
sinistra sinistrae, fleft hand, left side
taberna tabernae, fshop, inn
terra terrae, fground, land, earth
turba turbae, fcrowd, mob, disturbance, multitude
unda undae, fwave
via viae, fstreet, road, way, path
victoria victoriae, fvictory
villa villae, fcountry-house, estate, farm
vita vitae, flife