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level: Extra Words (shi)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Extra Words (shi)

助手席 joshusekipassenger seat (i.e. in a vehicle)
出力 shutsuryoku (suru)output (suru) to output (power, signal, data, etc.)
充電 juuden (suru)(re)charging (battery); electrification (-suru)
人口 jinkoupopulation
乗車口 joushâguchientrance for passengers at train station passenger door (on train, bus, etc.)
乗車 jousha (suru)getting onboard, boarding (train, bus, etc.); getting into (taxi)
乗客 joukyakupassenger (on bus, train, plane, taxi, etc.)
下書き shitagakirough-draft, rough copy
上品 jouhin /na/elegant, refined / high-quality (goods), first class article (na-noun)
じっくり jikkûri (to)deliberately; carefully; thoroughly; without rushing (consider, etc.) (adv)
色紙 shikishithick square fancy cardboard, used for autographs, poetry, group signing (for farewell, get well, etc)
(お)正月 (o)shougatsuNew Years
お辞儀 ojigia bow (greeting)
自治会 / 学生自治会 (学生会) jichikai / gakuseijichikaineighborhood council; residents' association; student council
歯科 shikadentistry
小児科 shounikapediatrics
尻餅 (を付く) shimochi (wo tsuku)fall on one's backside, bottom (traditional) mochi tied to a baby's back if he starts walking before his first birthday in order to cause him to fall on his backside
じゃばじゃば (jabajaba)splash of water falling down (sound)
シュー ・ しゅう (shuu)hiss; swish; whoosh; whiz; sputter (sound)
シュッシュッ ・ しゅっしゅっ (shusshu)scrub scrub (sound)
シャリシャリ ・ しゃりしゃり sharisharimuch, crunch (eating sound) / (sound of two hard thin objects rubbing)
尻尾 shippôtail (of animal)
小児科 shounikapediatrician
人工衛星 jinkou eiseiartificial satellite
診療所 shinryoushoclinic, medical office, infirmary
親類 shinruirelative, relation (family)
信用(する) shin'you (-suru)confidence, faith, trust / (finance) credit
新入生 shinnyuuseinew student, freshmen, first-year student
震動(する) shindou (-suru)tremor, vibration, shock
新鮮 shinsen /-na/fresh and new (na-noun)
信じる shinjiru /-ru; shinjita/to believe
進級 shinkyuu (-suru)promotion (at school); moving from one grade to the next
芯 shinwick, marrow, staple (for stapler); lead (in pencil); core, heart (of sth)
しわ (皺) shiwawrinkles, creases
城 (o)shirocastle
焦れる jirêru /-ru; jirêta/to get impatient; to become irritated; to fret (vi)
じれったい (焦れったい) jirettai /-katta/irritating, losing patience (feeling impatient) frustrated (adj)
印 shirushia mark, sign; symbol
尻取り shiritoriword-chain game (where you give a word starting with same syllable of last syllable of previous word)
(お)知らせ (o)shirasea notice; notification (of information)
知らせる shiraseru /-ru; shiraseta/to notify, inform, (let know)
白髪 shiragawhite hair; grey hair
しょんぼり shónbòri(feel) down in the dumps, dejected (gitaigo)
除雪車 josetsushasnow-plow (truck)
植物園 shokubutsuenbotanical garden
消防士 shouboushifireman, firefighter
ショーウインドー (shoouindoo)display window (at a store)
勝負(する) shôubu (-suru)victory or defat / (as verb) to challenge (to a contest) / match, contest, bout
衝突(する) shoutsou (suru)collision (i.e. car crash), crashing into / conflict (clashing)
冗談 joudana joke
準備 (する) junbi (-suru)preparations, getting ready, provision, setup
順番 junbanorder of things, sequential order
種類 shûruia kind, type, category / (counter for) kinds, specifies, etc.
出発 (する) shuppatsu (-suru)depature ; (as verb) to set up, depart (on a trip, etc.)
塾 jûkuafter-school school, cram-school (remedial or extra work or test-training such as kumon school)
修理(する) shuuri (-suru)repair, fixing, servicing; (as verb) to fix or repair
終点 shuutenterminus, last stop (train or bus)
集合 (する) shuugou /-suru/meeting up; gathering; assembly
十二支 juunishithe 12 zodiac signs (from china)
じゃんけん  (じゃん拳) janken (-suru)rock paper scissors (game)
じゃれる、たわむれる (戯れる) (jareru / tawamureru) /-ru; jareta, tawamureta/be playful, frolic or play around, to joke around (2 versions)
シャボン玉 shabondamasoap bubbles
しゃぶる shabûru /-u; shabûtta/to suck on (sucker, pacifier, etc.)
シャッター shattaa(shop or garage) door, shutters (that open up and down) / (camera) shutter
しゃっくり (吃逆) shâkkurihiccup
写生 shaseisketching, drawing from nature, portryal
絞る shiboru /-u; shibotta/to wring (towel, rag) / squeeze (fruit to get juice) / extract (milk from cow) (vt)
萎む shibomu /-u; shibonda/to wither (flowers, dreams, etc.); to droop, fad (away) / sag or deflate (baloon) (vi)
繁吹 shibukisplash, spray
痺れる shibireru /-ru; shibireta/become numb, (part of body) goes to sleep / get an electric shock, tingle (from shock) / be excited or titilated, enthralled (vi)
芝生 shibafulawn, grass covered area
萎びる shinabiru /-ru; shinabita/to shrivel up (cut vegetables, skin, etc.) / wither or wilt
自動販売胃 jidouhanbaiki(automatic) vending machine
自動ドア (jidou doa)automatic (opening) door
児童館 (jidoukan)child welfare residential facility; children's house
湿布 shippua compress, poultrice
失敗 (する) shippai (-suru)failure, mistake (as verb) make a mistake, to fail, mess up
しつこい (shitsukoi /-katta/)persistent, tenacious (often annoyingly so), not giving up / (for food) too rich (in taste), fatty, heavy, greasy (adj)
実験 jikken (-suru)an experiment / (as verb) to experiment
しっかり (確り) shikkari(adv) tightly (holding on); firmly, securely / strongly (built), steadily / properly, hard (working, etc.) / reliably, dependable
七五三 shichigosanfestival and shrine visit for children at these ages
支度 (をする) shitaku (suru)preparation(s), arraignments; (verb) get ready for (a trip, going to work/school, getting ingredients ready for cooking, etc.)
時代劇 jidâigekihistorical play or period drama (tv show taking place in historical times)
姿勢 shiseiposture
雫 shizuku(water) drop, drip
磁石 jîshakumagnet, (magnetic)
事件 jîkenan incident, trouble, event, scandal / (police) case, plot
茂る shigêru /-ru; shigêta/to grow thickly (vegetation) / be in full leaf / be rampant, luxurious
ジグザグ jigúzàguzigzag (shape) (na-no noun)
仕切る shikiru /-u; shikitta/to partition, divide to direct, manage, or run (an organization) settle accounts (vt)
しがみ付く shigámitsùku /-u; shigámitsùita/to cling to; (X ni ~) holds on to X (vi)
四角 shikakusquare (shape)
シール shiirusticker (paper with glue on back)
幸せ (shiawase)happiness, good fortune
試合 shiaia match, game, contest
シーソー shiisooa seesaw
潮干狩り shiohîgarigathering shells washed up at low tide
死骸 shigai(dead) body; corpse; carcass
受信 jushin (suru)receiving (a message, letter, email, etc.); reception (radio, TV, etc.) (-suru) to receive a message, transmission
司会者 shikâishaM.C. (of tv show, etc.) host, moderator
巡査 junsapolice officer, constable
視力検査 (shiryoku kensa)vision test/exam (part of kenkou shindan)
身長測定 (shinchou-sokutei)measuring of height (part of kenkou shindan)
歯科検診 (shika kenshin)dental examination /check (part of kenkou shindan)
地味 jimi (na)plain, simple / reserved,quiet (behavior) (na-noun)
手術 shûjutsu ([wo] suru)an operation (surgical, procedure; (~ wo suru / ~ wo okonau) to operate on (perform surgery)
紳士服 shinshîfukusuits/clothes for gentlemen, menswear (i.e. store or department in store)
終電 shuudenthe final/last train, bus, etc. (of the day)
私鉄 shitestua private railway (run by company, not government)
縞 shimastripe, bar, streak (pattern)
習慣 shuukan(social) custom, practice, habits (personal, diet, life, exercise, sleep, etc.)
締め切り shimekirideadline, cut-off, ending <verb-stem>
蛇口 jaguchifaucet, tap
進歩 shînpo (suru)progress, advancement, improvement, development (suru) to progress (in your studies), to develop (as civilization)
首相 shushouthe prime minister (of Japan), chancellor (Germany, etc.), premier
時間割 jikanwariweekly/class schedule, timetable (i.e. weekly school schedule)
集中 shuuchuu (suru)concentration, focusing, integration / (suru) concentrate on (sth)
新規作成 shinkisakusei (suru)(computer) create new document (new object)
消極的 shoukyokuteki /na/negative, half-hearted, unmotivated