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level: Extra Words (ha)

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level questions: Extra Words (ha)

万国旗 bankokkistream of all nations flags (often decoration for sports day or other events)
爆弾 bakudanbomb
の化ける bakeru /-ru; baketa/ (vi)change shape/form; transform (vi)
パシャパシャ ・ ぱしゃぱしゃ (pashapasha)splish-splash; with a splash / clickclick (of shutter)
ばさ・ ばさばさ (basa / basabasa)with a flap; with a snap; with a thud; with a crash; with a swish
ぱんぱん panpanbang; slap; clap / bulging; filled to bursting (gitaigo)
パタパタ ・ ぱたぱた batabataflapping (of a flag, fan, etc.); fluttering; whack-whack (e.g. beating dust out of a rug); whap-whap / pitterpatter (footsteps)
ハンガー hángàaclothes hanger
はさみ (鋏) hasâmiscissors
刃 / 刃物 hâ/ hâmonoblade
灰 haiash
黴菌 baikinbacteria, mold.
配達 haitatsu (suru)delivery (+suru) deliver
廃品回収 (haihinkaishuu)waste collection
生える haeru /-ru; haeta/grow (e.g. plants, flowers, teeth) (vi)
馬鹿 bâkaIdiot
剥がす ⇔ 貼る hagâsu /-u; hagâshita/Peel off (vt) (opposite of haru)
計り hakariScale-weighing (noun-stem)
吐く hâku /-u; hâita/spit [out] , breath out (iki wo~), throw up, vomit, emmit (vt)
拍手 hakushuapplause, clap
爆発 bakuhatsu (suru)explosion, detonation (suru) explode, erupt
歯車 hagurumaGears, cog
刷毛 hake(paint) brush
バケツ baketsubucket, pail
励ます hagémàsu /-u; hagémàshita/ (distal) hagemashimasuto encourage, cheer on, raise (the voice) (vt)
禿げる hageru /-ru; hageta/go bald; lose hair; become bare (eg mountain bare of trees) (vi)
挟まる hasamaru /-u; hasamatta/be caught in/between (vi)
橋 hashibridge
端 hashiedge
き弾く / 弾ける hajiku /-u; hajiita/ hajikeru /-ru; hajiketa/flip; flick / repel / use (an abacus) / strum; to pluck the strings (of a guitar, etc.); (vt) burst open; to split open (balloon, etc.) / be bursting with (e.g. youth, laughter, flavor) / bounce; (vi)
梯子 hashigoladder
燥ぐ hashagu /-u; hashaida/make merry, frolic, be in high spirits (vi)
柱 hashiraPillar
外れる hazureru /-ru; hazureta/miss the target, lose (chance)
旗 hataflag
裸 hadakaNaked, bareness, uncovered be penniless
裸足 hadashibarefoot
罰 bachiPunishment, curse (org. divine punishment) penality
鉢 hachibowl
鉢巻 hachimakiheadband (cloth, sometimes with pattern or Kanji on front)
蜂蜜 hachimitsuHoney
ばつ (罰点) batsu / batten(wrong, used to indicate an incorrect answer, etc.) x (mark); cross
発見 hakken (-suru)discovery, detection; (-suru) to discover
発車 hassha (suru)departure of a vehicle
発明 hatsumei (suru)invention (suru) to invent
はてな hatenaquestion mark (int) dear me! / well, let me see
話し合う hanashiau /-u; hanashiatta/Talk to each other
放す hanasu /-u; hanashita/release, let go, set free, turn loose (vt)
離す hanasu /-u; hanashita/separate, part, keep apart (vt)
花束 hanatababouquet, bunch of flowers
花畑 hanabatakeFlower Garden
花火 hanabifireworks
花弁 hanabira(flower) petal
発条 bânespring (thing that bounces)
羽 (羽根) hanefeather
跳ね変える (hanekaeru /-ru; hanekaeta/)Bounce back.
跳ねる haneru /-ru; haneta/jump; leap; prance; spring up; hop; / break up, come to an end (vi)
幅 hababreadth
歯磨き hamîgakibrushing teeth (+suru) / toothpaste
食み出す (hamídàsu /-u; hamidashita/)Squeeze out
波紋 hamonRipples, ring on the water
早起き hayáokìGet up early
早寝 hayánèearly to bed
早引け hayabike (-suru)Leaving early (office/school)
流行る hayaru /-u; hayatta/be popular, come into fashion (vi) be prevalent, spread widely (like a disease), flourish
貼り絵 (harie)papier-mache, collage
針金 harigane(metal) wire
張り切る harikiru /-u; harikitta/be in high spirits, full of energy, enthusiastic, eager (vi) (literal meaning) be stretched to the breaking point
晴れ着 haregifestive dress, (one's) Sunday best, best clothes
腫れる hareru /-ru ; hareta/to swell (from inflammation); become swollen (vi)
版画 hangawoodblock print
パンク pânkuflat tire (puncture)
反射 hansha (-suru)reflect (i.e. light or sound), reverberate (suru) (biol) reflex (from nervous system)
反省 hansei (suru)reflection, reconsideration (-suru) reflect back on 2) to feel remorse, be sorry, regret (for what you have done)
犯則 (反則) hansoku (suru)violation (of rules); infringement (suru) commit a foul, break the rule
半纏 hantentraditional short winter coat resembling a haori without gussets
斑点 hantenspots, fleck
麻疹 hashikameasles
発熱 hatsunetsu (suru)(attack of) fever; heat generation (suru)
掃く hâku /-u; hâita/to sweep, brush (vt)
お話のキャラ (ohanashi no kyara)characters in a story
判子 hankoseal (used in lieu of a signature); stamp (larger one)
絆創膏 bansoukousticking plaster; adhesive bandage (i.e. Band-Aid)
バス代 basudaibus fare
ばらばら barabara /na/scattered; disperse; loose; disconnected; in pieces; in drops (na-no-noun-suru) (gitaigo)
ハンドル handorusteering wheel
吐き気 hakikenausea, sick stomach, feeling like vomiting
パトカー patôkaa / patóroorukàapolice car (patrol car)
鼻水 hanamizurunny nose
花柄 hanagaraflower pattern, floral
ぼったくり bottakuria rip-off, overcharging
払い戻す haraimodosu /-u; haraimodashita/to repay, pay back, refund, reimburse
発音 hatsuon (suru)pronunciation / (suru) to pronounce
犯人 hannincriminal, offender, culprit
犯罪 hanzaicrime, offense
派手 hade /nashow, loud, gaudy (na-noun)
畑 hatakefield (for fruits, vegetables, etc.) cultivated land, plot, plantaiton