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level: Level 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 4

adverb or adjective with one's identity concealedincognito
noun 1. open dislike for someone or something considered unworthy of one's concern or respect verb 1. to show contempt for 2. to ignore in a disrespectful mannerscorn
noun any obstruction that impedes or is burdensomehindrance
adjective unfriendly; hostileinimical
noun the quality of being unbalancedunevenness
noun 1. linger or remain near a place 2. hang in the air; fly or be suspended abovehover
noun a male horse kept for breedingstallion
phrasal verb to fall asleep especially for a short period of timedoze off
verb to make dark, dim, or indistinct to make (something) unclear to the understanding; confusebefog
adverb with suspicion, mistrust, or disapprovalaskance
noun the breasts of a woman.bosom
adjective full of, feeling, or manifesting ecstatic joy or delight.rapturous
adjective Deserving censure or condemnation.reprehensible
verb to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretlyundermine
verb to yield to another's wish or opinionsubmit
noun a Russian peasantmuzhik
verb to sharpen (a knife, tool, etc.) by grinding or friction.whet
verb to try to find out the opinions of someone by asking questionssound out
adjective 1. meticulously careful 2. manifesting or expressing solicitude; anxiety or concernsolicitous
noun 1. attentive care and protectiveness 2. anxious or concerned (usually followed by about, for, etc., or a clause)solicitude
noun the passing of the soul at death into another body either human or animalmetempsychosis
verb to happen to, especially by chance or fate.befall
noun Spouseconsort
adjective 1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury 2. showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mindmagnanimous
verb 1. to cause the downfall, ruin, or destruction of. 2. to undermine the principles of; corrupt.subvert
adjective marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecyclandestine
adjective not a singlenary a or nary an
noun proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.insidious
adjective not able to be taken in or absorbed : not capable of being assimilatedunassimilable
verb to be broken into fragments or become weak or insubstantial.shatter
noun an event resulting in great loss and misfortunecataclysm
noun the cry of a sheep or goatbleat
verb to have a mental picture of especially in advance of realizationenvisage
adjective not liable to doubt, attack, or questionunassailable
noun complete freedom or authority to actcarte blanche
noun a manner of walking, stepping, or running.gait
noun 1. hard, harsh, or severe 2. firm, strict, or uncompromisingstern
verb 1. to hesitate in purpose or action 2. to walk unsteadily : STUMBLEfalter
verb 1. to come to agreement by mutual concession 2. to cause the impairment ofcompromise
adjective enraged; furiously angrylivid
verb to greet with enthusiastic approvalhail
noun sudden or unexpected Brief to the point of rudeness; curt.abrupt
adverb in a mass; all together; as a group:en masse
noun a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in actionanimosity
noun the ability to anticipate and plan for the futurefarsightedness
adjective too evident to be doubted : UNQUESTIONABLEindubitable
idiom to become thin and weak because of sadness or losspine away
verb to bring under domination, control, or influence (usually followed by to).subject
noun an act or instance of retaliation.reprisal
verb to return like for like, especially evil for evilretaliate
adjective in a state of agitated confusionflustered
adjective hatefully or shockingly evilheinous
verb to show enthusiasm, excitement, liveliness, etc.effervesce
noun a cruel and brutal fellow; troublemakerhooligan
verb 1. to rid, clear, or free (usually followed by of or from) 2. to become cleansed or purified.purge
noun lack of moral principles; bad character. unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher valuesbaseness
noun smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness:paucity
adjective impossible to repress, restrain, or controlirrepressible
verb 1. to form an opinion or idea about 2. to find or grasp the meaning ofmake out
noun a state of disturbance, agitation, or brisk activity verb to disturb the quiet of : AGITATE —often used with upstir
noun depression of spirits from loss of courage or hope; dejectiondespondency
verb 1. to turn aside or from a path or course; deflect. 2. send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended onedivert
verb to search through and steal from in a forceful and damaging wayransack
noun cautious and surreptitious action or movement.stealth
noun the art, science, or profession of teachingpedagogy
noun 1. a source of harm or ruin : CURSE 2. DEATH, DESTRUCTIONbane
noun anything profound, unfathomable, or infiniteabyss
noun an offense, sin, or wrong. a wrongful entry upon the lands of another.trespass
noun a general pardon for offenses, especially political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction. verb grant an official pardon to.amnesty
noun a person trained to assist women in childbirth.midwife
noun logic : a statement that is true by virtue of its logical form alonetautology
noun not pertinent; irrelevant not being a vital part of or belonging to somethingextraneous
adjective incapable of being solved or explainedinsoluble
verb 1. Erase, efface 2. to make useless especially by long or hard usagewear out
verb damage the purity or integrity ofsully
noun openness to bribery or corruption.venality
verb to penetrate to the truth of; comprehend; understandfathom
noun the range or distance within which a sound, voice, etc., can be heard.earshot
verb 1. Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something. 2. to choose not to voteabstain
adjective deprived of homes, possessions, and securitydispossessed
verb to tranquilize or calm, as a person or the feelings; relieve, comfort, or refreshsoothe
noun truth, reality, or fact. adjective true or realsooth
noun wisdom and skill in the management of public affairs.statesmanship
noun the state or quality of being null; nothingness; invalidity.nullity
adjective without value, effect, consequence, or significance.null
adjective talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkativeloquacious
adjective foolish; stupid.witless
adjective not capable of being imitatedinimitable
adjective 1. elevated in rank, power, or character 2. In a state of extreme happiness.exalted
noun a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of othersdeference
adjective an unmarried man.bachelor
adjective gloomily or resentfully silent or repressedsullen
Noun a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.Coalition
Noun ReductionCurtailment
Noun an inflow (opposed to outflux)Influx
noun an expression of good wishes at partingfarewell
adjective incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; MYSTERIOUSinscrutable
adjective feeling or showing no sympathy for otherscallous
adjective a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutionsiconoclast
adjective past; gone by; earlier; former noun Usually bygones. that which is pastbygone