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level: Group 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 4

LaxNot sufficiently severe, strict, careful
ExuberanceThe quality of being full of energy, excitement and cheerfulness
FlamboyantTending to attract someone with their exuberance, confidence and stylishness
PanacheFlamboyant confidence of style or manner
PloddingSlow moving and unexciting; slow doing in a dull task
ProsaicHaving or using the style of prose as opposed by poetry; commonplace and unromantic; Lacking imaginativeness or originality
RestiveUnable to remain silent, submissive especially because of boredom
Stigmatizeregard as worthy of disgrace
UndermineErode, Lessen the effectiveness
UtterlyCompletely, Absolutely
WearyGetting tired or bored
Zealoushaving or showing zeal
ZealGreat energy or passion for a cause
AdmonishWarn or reprimand someone firmly
AestheticConcerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
PretentiousAttempting to impress by affecting great importance than actually possessed
AffectationBehavior, speech or writing that is pretentious or designed to impress; Fake actions
AlleviateMake(problem) less severe
AnalogousComparable in certain respects
BolsterSupport or strengthen
ChauvinisticFeeling or displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
ConnoisseurAn expert judge in taste
DissembleConceal or disguise one's true feelings
TenacityQuality of being determined; continue to exist
DoggedHaving or showing tenacity and grim(serious) persistence
DupeDeceive or trick
EmpiricalBased on observation or experience rather than theory or logic
EngenderCause or give raise to
EntitleGive a legal right; believing oneself to be inherently deserving privileges
PertinaciousHolding firmly to an opinion or course of action