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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

life expectancyis the number of years an individual will probably live, based on average for others with similar characteristics
infant mortality raterefers to the number of deaths before the age of one
growthrefers to an increase in size and may involve the entire being or parts within
Developmentrefers to function and the gradual process of change and differentiation, from simple to complex
celphalocaudalis defined as growth and development that proceed from the head to the feet
proximodistalrefers to the growth and development that originates in the center of the body and moves towards the outside
Chromosomesthreadlike structures in the nucleus of a cell that function in the transmission of genetic information
zygotethe developing ovum from he time it is fertilized until, as a blastocyst, it is implanted into the uterus
Teratogenis a substance, agent, or process, that interferes with normal prenatal development, causing the formation of one or more developmental abnormality in the fetus
Nuclear familyis a family unit that consist of parents and their biologic offspring
extended familyconsist of nuclear or traditional family and additional family such as grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, who live in the same household
single parent familyexist today by choice or results of death, divorce, separation, or abandonment
blended (reconstituted) familyalso called a stepfamily; is formed when adults remarry and bring together children from a previous marriages
social contract family Aldo referred to as cohabitationinvolves a unmarried couple living together and sharing roles and responsibilities
homosexual familycomprises a same sex couple
Transgender familymay consist of one or more parents who have had a gender reassignment or are gender nonconforming
adoptive familyis a family unit with adopted children
grandfamiliesRefers to families with children under the age of 18 years who live with or in the custody of grandparents
foster familyresults when the biologic parents are unable or unwilling to provide adequate, safe care for their children
Autocratic family patternthe relationships are unequal; the parents attempt to control the children with strict rigid rules and expectations
patriarchal family patternsthe adult males or males in the family usually assumes the dominant role
Matriarchal family patternalso known as the matrifocal family; the adult female or females of the family assume primary dominance in the areas of childcare and homemaking and financial decision making
democratic family patternthe adult members function equally
engagement or commitment stagebegins when the couple acknowledges to themselves and others that they are considered married
establishment stageextends from the wedding up until the birth of the first child
expectant stagebegins with conception and extends through the pregnancy
surrogacythe agreement the woman makes to be artificially inseminated, voluntarily or for a fee, to bear a child, and then relinquish the parenting rights to the baby's natural father or another couple
parenthood stagebegins at birth or adoption of the first child
disengagement stage of parenthoodis that period of family life when the grown children depart from the home
senescence stageis the last stage of the life cycle and requires the individual to cope with a large range of changes
sensorimotor stagean infants knowledge comes about primarily through sensory impressions and motor activities
schemaan innate knowledge structure that allows a child to mentally organize ways to behave in the immediate environment
preoperational thought stagewhen a child focuses on the use of language as a tool to meet needs the child has the emerging ability to think
concrete operational phaseduring this phase, thought become increasingly logical and coherent so that the child is able to classify, sort, and organize facts while still being incapable of generalizing or dealing with abstractions
school violenceis defined as anything that physically or psychologically injures school children or damage school property
formal operational thought stagean individual's cognitive function reaches maturity during adolescence
depressionis defined as a mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and hopelessness
Presbyopiaa defect in vision and advancing age that involves loss of accommodation or the recession of that near point caused by loss of the elasticity of the crystalline lens and ensuring change in close vision
presbycusisa normal progressive, age associated loss of hearing acuity, speech intelligibility, auditory threshold, and pitch
ageisma for of discrimination or prejudice against the older adult, is an unfortunate reality; prevents people from being as happy and productive as they otherwise can be
Development is a life long process thatbegins at conception, the beginning of pregnancy, and ends with death
what are the 8 stages of lifespan developmentinfancy birth-1, toddler1-3, preschool 3-5, school age 6-12, adolescences 13-19, early adulthood 20-40, middle adulthood 40-65, late adulthood 65+
how has middle adulthood and late adulthood been recently recognizedhaving equal importance as earlier stages of development
the significant growth of the population in the older age group we must become more aware of:unique characteristics, needs, and problems
growth patterns appear to becontrolled genetically, and other factors are nutrition, heredity, and environment
what is the basic function of familythe basic unit of society
define familycomposed of two or more individuals united by marriage, blood, adoption, emotional bonds, and social roles
what is the family responsible for teaching the childrensociety expectations and limitations; formal education, instilling morals, values and ideals
define family patternsrefer to the way in which family members relate to one another
Ericksons stages of psychosocial development for infancy, birth to 1; Developmental tasks and outcomesBasic trust vs mistrust; infants learn to either treat or not to trust that significant others will properly care for their basic needs, including nourishments, sucking, warming, cleanliness, and physical contact
Ericksons stages of psychosocial development for middle adulthood, 45 to 65; developmental tasks and outcomesgenerative vs stagnation, middle aged adults are productive, performing meaningful work and raising a family, or becoming stagnant and inactive
common signs of stress in childrenmood swings, acting-out behavior, change in eating or sleeping pattern, frequent stomachaches headaches or other unexplained somatic symptoms, excessive clinging to parents, thumb-sucking, bedwetting, return to behavior typical of an earlier stage of development
the basic sequence of languagethree months babbling, one year recognition of words, preschool age acquisition of structure of narrative language, at 6 years, ability to speak and understand new words and sentences
Piaget stages of cognitive development sensorimotor birth to 2 yearsuses sense and motor ability, develops schema, begin to interact with environment, learns objects still exist when out of sight, mental representation, develop thinking and goal-directed behaviors
Piagets stages of cognitive development formal operational thought 12+uses systematic, scientific problem-solving approach; recognizes past, present, future; able to move in thought from the real to the possible; becomes more interested in ethics, politics, and all social and moral issues
what happens to the baby weight by onebirth weight triples
average vitals for 1 year oldapical pulse 120, respirations 30, bp 90/60
6 month primary dentition scheduleteething begins with eruption of two lower central incisors
what is the leading cause of death in infants and young childrenaccidents
how much sleep does a toddler needa daytime nap and twelve hours each night
what does play improve for toddlersmuscle coordination, balance, and muscle strength
more than half of the childhood deaths are caused by what kind of accidentsmotor vehicle and at home and about 90% of the accidents at home are believed to be preventable
growth during preschool stage tends to be slow and steady. What is the average height and weight growth during this time?less than 5lbs per year and 2 to 2 1/1" per year
during the school age 6-12 the growth is gradual and subtle; the most obvious growth is in the long bones and facial bones, sometimes accompanied by growing pains; what is the height and weight growth during his time?4 1/2 to 6 1/2 lbs per year and about 2" per year
the adolescent diet is most likely deficient in what mineralsCalcium, iron, zinc
why is calcium, iron, zinc needed for growth in adolescencescalcium: for skeletal growth; iron: for expansion for muscle mass and blood volume, soft tissue growth, and rapid growth demands of the expanding red blood cell mass; zinc: the generation of skeletal and muscle tissue
intimacy leads tocommitment, sharing, compromise
Erickson identified early intimacy versus isolation asthe developmental task of adulthood
define intimacythe ability to develop one's deepest hopes and concerns in connection to another person
what is the virtue that deploys in young adulthoodmutuality of devotion between partners who have chosen to share their lives; virtue of love
what does Erickson consider the mark of adulthoodconflicting demands of intimacy, competitiveness, and distance, they develop an ethical sense
what is the period of menopause known as and will happenperimenopause; during this time the ovaries diminish and eventually cease
what are some signs and symptoms of menopauseirregular periods, flow changes, excess fluid retention, breast tenderness, hot flashes, palpitations, night sweats, irritability or mood swings
possible evidence of the male climacteric includesdecreased libido (sex drive), loss of body hair, and delayed erection
a mans actual capacity during "midlife crisis" is related to whatself perception and mental outlook
define the autoimmunity theorywith aging, the body becomes less able to recognize or tolerate the "self"; as a result the immune system produces antibodies that act against the self
as the immune system decreases what does it raise the risk forDevelopment of infections and cancer
define wear and tear theoryage is not based on chronologic age but is determined by the amount of wear and tear experienced
what do many people believe the structural and functional changes of growing old are accelerated byabuse of the body
define activity theorythe older person who is more active socially is more likely to adjust well to aging
aging is a complex process that affects whatcells, tissues and organs
what is the age range will you see a slow increase in body weight45 to 50 and the gradual decline begins
what age do you start to loose heightaround age 50
why do older adults start to loose heightincrease in spinal curvature caused by slight thinning of the intervertebral disk; and certain abnormal postures and contours
what are normal changes to hearing in older adultspresbycusis ( increased difficulty in hearing high-pitched sounds); increase in degenerative changes within ear structure; increase buildup of wax production
what are some suggested nursing interventions for hearing for older adultsspeak slowly and clearly. face individual, don't shout, speak in lower tones, control background noise, encourage use of hearing aids if available
some older adults notice changes in memory such asbenign forgetfulness which is far more common than the forgetfulness associated with Alzheimer's disease
sleep for the older person is often affected bymedications, alcohol, caffeine, stress, environmental noises and changes
life review and acceptance means whatis ones strengths and weaknesses and are necessary aspects of the aging process
aging like growth isa highly individualized process
Erickson identified the central task that must be resolved at each lifespan; what are the lifespansinfancy, toddler, preschool, school age, adolescences, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood
growth patterns suggestrapid growth during infancy, continued growth during toddler and preschool years, and slow but steady during the school years, followed by a rapid stage of growth during puberty and adolescence
all types of families serve similar basic functions such asprotection, nurturance, education, sustenance, and socialization of their members
development is a lifelong process thatbegins at conception and ends at death
Piaget focussed on the concept of cognitive development beginningin infancy and continuing throughout the childhood years
when is consistent discipline and supervision neededthroughout childhood
when does peer relationships become significantat school age
when does adolescences take placethe transitional period between childhood and adulthood
adulthood is marked by what significant eventscarer, decisions, marriage, new social relationships, and financial concerns
late adulthood is marked bygradual slowing of the body's functions
roles undergo change during the middle adulthood includingnuclear family roles, relatives with grown children, grandparenting, and possibly career changes