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level: Breath and nervous system

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Breath and nervous system

Define water breathing4-6 breathes per minute
Define coffee breathing> 20 breathes per minute
Define whiskey breathing< 4 breathes per minute
With yoga breathing, what single factor has the biggest influence on your nervous system?The rate at which you breathe
The parasympathetic nervous system is often referred to as:Rest and digest
he sympathetic nervous system is often referred to as:Fight or flight
The ultimate goal with yoga is to:Move toward balance
What important nerve innervates the diaphragm?Vagus nerve
One way to measure vagal tone is to look at:Your vagus nerve's control over your heart rate
Singing, humming, the yoga chin lock, and ocean breath, all help to tone which nerve?Vagus nerve
Someone with high vagal tone is able to relax, rest and digest healthfully.True
When your nervous system is healthy, when you inhale:Your heart rate speeds up
Why do endurance athletes often suffer from digestive disorders?Sympathetic nervous system dominant
Energetically, the inhale is associated more with:Yang energy, strength and contraction
What happens if we double the length of the exhale?Stimulates parasympathetic nervous system
What is the purpose of “ocean breath” during practice?Control the breath, massages the vagus nerve, and creates internal heat
What is the ideal rate of breathing during yoga classes?4-6 breaths per minute
To aid with sleep at night, was is the most-common breathing pattern we use?1:2 ratio breathing
When you breathe fast (>20 breaths per min), your veins and your air passageways:Contract and constrict
Carbon dioxide does which of the following:Allows hemoglobin to release its oxygen
What is a common side effect of excessive coffee breathing (fast breathing)?Anxiety
What is a common side effect of whiskey breathing (slow breathing)?Fall asleep
If you had to teach or practice just one type of breathing (water, whiskey or coffee), which is the most useful?Water
Nasal cycle: right nostril dominance is associated with:Left brain activity, sympathetic nervous system