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level: Group 5

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 5

DisinterestedUnbiased, Impartial; Uninterested
Depravedwicked, morally corrupt
Meticulouscareful; excessive caution
ErodeGradually worn away; in a gradual manner
RejuvenateGive new energy
ConsolidateTo make stronger
IndictmentA formal charge of accusation of serious crime
IdolizedLove greatly or excessively
AvengeInflict harm in return for
PromulgatePromote or make widely known
MarginalizedTreat as insignificant
PerceptualRelating to the ability to interpret or become aware of something through the senses
RelishGreat enjoyment, an appetizing flavour
ConfoundCause surprise or confusion
Wittyshowing quick & inventive verbal humour
Provocativecausing anger or a strong reaction especially deliberately
Prescienthaving or showing knowledge of events before they take place
SerendipitousOccurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way
Lucrativeproducing a great deal of profit
Blemishsmall mark or flaw which spoils the appearance
Pretensiona claim or assertion to something
Revivalan improvement in the condition
AbateBecome less intense or widespread
Solemnformal and dignified
AbjureSolemnly renounce(reject)
AnomalousDeviating from what is standard
AntipathyA deep seated feeling of aversion, a strong feeling of dislike
ArcaneUnderstood by few, mysterious or secret
ArduousInvolving or requiring strenuous effort