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level: PART B

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART B

喧嘩する kenka-suruargue, quarrel, fight
だって datte (d-atte) [-te form + mo, drop the -e of te form and add atte ex:. de mo -> d[e] -> datte ex: aruite mo -> aruit[e] -> aruitatte ex: yokute mo -> yokut[e] -> yokutatte]but, however, even so (contracted form)
一生懸命 isshoukenmeiwith all one's might;wholeheartedly
言いおわる iiowaru /-u; iiowatta/finish saying
言い終わらないうちに iiowaranai uchi nibefore [one] has finished saying
話しはじめる hanashihajimeru /-ru; hanashihajimeta/begin talking
さ sasentence particle of assertion
このままじゃ(あ) kono mama ja -(a)being this condition;as is
不味い ・ まずい mazui /-i mazukatta/inadvisable;is poor at;tastes bad
遅くならないうちに osoku naranai uchi niwhile it hasn't become late; before it gets (too) late
(お)詫び wabi / owabian apology
謝る ayamaru /-u; ayamatta/apologize (vi)
お詫びを言う (o)wabi wo iuapologize; give an apology (exp)
言ったって ittatte (itt-atte)even if [someone] says
だのに da no nieven though [it is] / in spite of [that]
悪くたって warukutatte (warukut-atte)even if it's bad (contracted form)
相手 aitepartner; the other party
そんなもん sonna mon[o]that kind of thing / that's the way it is (w/ short variant)
我慢する gaman surubear, endure, suffer in silence, grin and bear it
我慢しなければ ・ 我慢しなけりゃ(あ) ・ 我慢しなきゃ(あ) gaman-shinakereba / gaman-shinakerya -(a) / gaman-shinakya -(a)unless one puts up with/knuckles under (5 variations)
だから da karatherefore
愚痴 guchicomplaints
愚痴を言う (guchi wo iu)to voice one’s grievances; complain
クレーム kureemu /suru/complaint (waseigo) [i.e. to business, restaurant, etc.)
記事 kijinews article
何の記事 nan no kiji[a news] article about what?
社説 shasetsueditorial
広告 koukokuadvertisement
小説 shousetsua novel
詩 shipoem, poetry
論文 ronbunarticle, essay, thesis
都会 tokaithe city
大都会 daitokailarge city, metropolis
田舎 inakathe country (side), rural
空気 kuukiair
空 sorasky
海とか湖 umi to ka mizuumioceans and/or lakes and the like
戻る modoru /-u;modottta/return; back up (vi)
戻す modosu /-u; modoshita/put back, send back, throw up (vt)
自然 shizennature; natural
自然的 (shizen-teki )natural (-na)
環境 kankyouenvironment
自然の環境 shizen no kankyounatural environment
暗い kurai /-i; kurakatta/is dark (adj)
明るい akarui /-i; akarukatta/is light (not dark) [adj]
暗くならないうちに kuraku naranai uchi niwhile it hasn't become dark, before it gets dark.
動く ugoku /-u; ugoita/[something] moves (vi)
動かす ugokasu /-u; ugokashita/to move [something] (vt)
動き出す ugokidasu /-u; ugokidashita/start to move
渋滞 juutai(traffic) congestion; delay
命 inochilife
匹 -hikicounter for small animals or fish
羽 (-wa)counter for birds
頭 (-tou)counter for large animals
一羽 (ichi-wa)1 bird
一頭 (it-tou)1 large animal
一匹 ip-piki1 small animal
二匹 (ni-hiki)2 small animals
二羽 (ni-wa)2 birds
二頭 (nitou)2 large animlas
五匹 (gohiki)5 small animals
五羽 (go-wa)5 birds
五頭 (go-tou)5 large animals
何羽 (nani-wa)how many birds?
何頭 nan-touhow many large animals?
何匹 (nan-biki)how many small animals?
七匹 (nana-hiki)7 small animals
七羽 (nana-wa / shichi-wa)7 birds (2 ways)
七頭 (shichi-tou)7 large animals
飼う kau /-u katta/keep animals/have animal (as a pet)
社説面 (shasetsumen [-men is general suffix for page/section of the paper])editorial page (in a newspaper)
汚染 osenpollution
何時に着いたって構わないよ Nan-ji ni tsuit-atte kamawanai yo.it doesn't matter what time you arrive (using -te mo contraction)
あのスーツケースだって小さすぎるでしょう? Ano suutsukeesu d-atte, chiisasugiru deshou?even if it's that suitcase (over there), it's too small right?
ittá ttè (i)tt-áttè, hońtou wa ikánakàtta nêe.Even if he says he went, really, he didn't go did he
ittá ttè (i)tt-áttè, hońtou wa iwánakàtta nêeEven if he says he said it, really, he didn't say it, did he
itá ttè (i)tt-áttè, hońtou wa inâkatta nêeEven if he says he was there, really, he wasn't there, was he
忘れないうちにそれを書きましょう wasurenai uchi ni, sore wo kakimashou.Let's (i.e., you) write that down before you forget.
このようなマンションに住んでいる人は、だいたい弁護士とか医者ですね! kono you na manshon ni sunde (i)ru hito wa, daitai bengoshi to ka isha desu ne!The people living in apartment(s) like this [one] are, for the most part, lawyers and doctors, and the like, aren't they!